
来源 :辽宁农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong425
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1981年,我国仅据18个省的不完全统计,农田鼠害发生面积达1亿亩;1982年为3亿亩,引起了有关部门的重视。我们在进行自然疫源性疾病调查及防病灭鼠工作中,对农田害鼠的种类及常见种种群数量、季节变动问题作了调查,并注意收集和调查了农田鼠害事例,归纳整理报道如下:一、我省农田鼠害几个事例农田鼠类以植物的绿色部分及种子为主要食物。春季刨食播下的种子,夏季啃咬田苗及作物的茎秆,秋季盗食果实,这是对农田为害的一般特点。不同鼠种因其生活习性不同,其为害情况也不一致。我们调查了几个典型鼠害事例。 In 1981, according to the incomplete statistics of 18 provinces in our country, the occurrence of rodent pests in farmland reached 100 million mu; in 1982, it was 300 million mu, which aroused the attention of relevant departments. During the investigation of natural foci and the prevention and control of rodent control, we investigated the species of pest and the number of common species and seasonal variations in farm animals. We also paid attention to collecting and investigating the cases of rodents on farmland, and summarized the reports As follows: First, several examples of farmland rodent in our province Farmland rodents to the green part of the plant and seeds as the main food. Spring planing sowing of seeds, the summer nibble Tian Tian and crop stalks, autumn robbery fruit, which is the general characteristics of damage to the farmland. Different species of mice due to their different habits, the damage is not the same situation. We investigated several typical cases of rat damage.
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浙江麻区自七十年代初推广种植红麻以来,近年栽培面积已占麻类总面积的80%左右。随之、小造桥虫Anomis flava Fabricius已成为红麻常发性大害虫,为害损失较大。为明确小造桥
从褐带长卷叶蛾(Homona coffearia Nietner)幼虫虫尸中分离到一种颗粒体病毒。其颗粒体为椭圆形或卵形,大小约156~194×250~325毫微米。颗粒体在0.01M Na_2CO_3+0.05M NaCl 溶
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