打好推广基础 实行科学管理 促进健康发展——“两会一班”在蓬莱举行

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全国水产技术推广体系“三定”工作座谈会、全国银鱼移植增殖技术协作组第二次工作会和全国渔业“丰收计划”管理研讨班于8月4~14日在山东省蓬莱市相继召开和举办,其中座谈会和研讨班是农业部渔业局委托全国水产技术推广总站主持举行的。 近年来,农业技术推广体系建设得到了党中央和国务院的高度重视,要求乡一级农林水技术推广站的“三定”工作必须在今年底完成。为了检查进度,交流经验,分析困难,寻找解决问题的的办法和措施,8月4~7日召开了“三定”工作座谈会,农业部副部长洪绂曾出席了会议,渔业局副局长冯瑞峰作了重要讲话,要求各地要树立信心,积极行动,克服困难,确保“三定”工作按时完成。全国水产技术推广总站站长朱宝馨在总结讲话中强调,一要认真做好组织落实工作;二要因地制宜建设乡(镇)水产站;三要多方争取解决经费问题;四要充分发挥乡(镇)水产站应有的作用,要建成一个稳定一个;五要积极 The National Seminar on “Three Definitions” of Aquaculture Technology Extension System, the Seminar on Management of the Second Cooperation Meeting of the National Bank of Agribusiness Reproduction Technology and the National Fisheries “Harvest Program” were held in Penglai City, Shandong Province from August 4 to August 14 And held, in which seminars and seminars are hosted by Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture hosted by the National Fisheries Technology Extension Station. In recent years, the construction of agricultural technology promotion system has received the great attention of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. It is required that the “three levels” of the agricultural, forestry and water conservation technology promotion stations at the township level must be completed by the end of this year. In order to check the progress, exchange experiences, analyze difficulties and find ways and measures to solve the problems, the “Three Departments” Work Symposium was held from August 4 to August 7, and Vice Minister Hung Huan attended the meeting. Feng Ruifeng, deputy director of the Fisheries Bureau, Made important speeches and demanded that all localities should establish their confidence, take active actions, overcome difficulties and ensure the completion of the “three tasks” on time. In his concluding remarks, Zhu Baoxin, director of the National Fisheries Technology Promotion Station, emphasized that one must conscientiously do a good job in organizing the implementation of the project; the second is to set up a township (town) aquatic product project in line with local conditions; and three parties must strive to solve the funding problem; Aquatic products should play a role, to build a stable one; five to be positive
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据Off-Highway研究机构预测,2015年,西欧工程机械市场销量预计将达到125704台,同比增长1%。德国和英国作为欧洲的两大主力市场,201 5年以来均表现积极,预计将同比增长3%,而英
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试验池面积0.35hm2,经过163天的养殖,共产商品虾665kg,饲料系数2.30,产值33250元,获取纯利22378元。 Test pool area of ​​0.35hm2, after 163 days of breeding, commercial shrimp 665kg, feed coefficient
Nowadays renewable energy has become a trend for energy production but its variable nature has made balancing of demand and supply of the power grid difficult.
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