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阿拉斯加——这片遥远、神秘的土地一直以来都是鱼类的王国。由于离世界上一些污染人类食物供应链的大型污染源有千里之遥,加上水和空气循环方式的影响,使阿拉斯加成为世界上少数最洁净的海域之一。冰冷的阿拉斯加水域是世界上最大、产量最高的商业渔场。几千年来,阿拉斯加一直为人类提供着世界上最洁净的水产品——五种野生的阿拉斯加鲑鱼(红鲑、银鲑、粉鲑、狗鲑、王鲑)、三种蟹(王蟹、珍宝蟹、雪蟹)、大比目鱼、黑鳕、真鳕、狭鳕、贝壳类、蝶鱼类以及海参、海胆等。特别是阿拉斯加野生鲑鱼,含有大量的维他命E——一种有效的抗氧化剂。维他命E通过防止低浓度脂蛋白的氧化而减少心脏病的危险,进而减少冠状动脉肿瘤的产生。其他研究还发现阿拉斯加野生鲑鱼是优质蛋白质源,含有人体必需的所有基本脂肪酸,同时富含有各类维生素(维生素A、D、B6、B2、烟碱酸和核黄素)和钙、铁、锌、镁、和磷等微量元素,对癌症也有预防作用,并能抵制白内障的发生,还可增强老年人的免疫系统。阿拉斯加海产终年在冰冷纯净的北太平洋中天然生长繁殖,脂肪含量低、营养丰富、富含可以降低冠心病和某些癌症发病率的不饱和脂肪酸、肉质细 Alaska - This distant, mysterious land has always been a kingdom of fish. Alaska is one of the few cleanest seas in the world due to the thousands of miles from major sources of pollution in the world that pollute the human food supply chain, coupled with water and air circulation. The icy Alaskan waters are the largest and most productive commercial fishing ground in the world. For thousands of years Alaska has provided humans with the cleanest aquatic products in the world - five wild Alaskan salmon (redfish, silverfish, pinkfish, salmon, kingfish), three crabs (king crabs, Treasure crab, snow crab), Halibut, black cod, cod, pollock, shellfish, butterfly fish and sea cucumbers, sea urchins and so on. In particular, Alaskan wild salmon contains a large amount of vitamin E, an effective antioxidant. Vitamin E reduces the risk of heart disease by preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, which in turn reduces coronary artery tumors. Other studies have also found that Alaskan wild salmon is a good source of protein that contains all the essential fatty acids essential to the body and is rich in vitamins (vitamins A, D, B6, B2, nicotinic acid and riboflavin) and calcium, iron, Zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and other trace elements also have a preventive effect on cancer and can resist the occurrence of cataracts, but also enhance the immune system in the elderly. Alaskan seafood is naturally grown and grown year-round in the icy, pure North Pacific, with low fat and nutrient richness, rich in unsaturated fatty acids that reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease and certain cancers, and fleshy
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最近,政府鼓励发展八项节能技术和产品。分别是:新型节能墙体和屋面的保温、隔热技术与材料;节能门窗的保温隔热和密闭技术;集中供热和热、电、冷联产联供技术;供热采 Recently,
一、我省稀土工业发展概况与变化 我省稀土工业起始于五十年代的末期,经历了六十年代和七十年代。进入了在调整中前进的八十年代。我们按三个时期,回顾一下我省稀土工业发展