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女性主体性,是近年来妇女与社会性别史研究中的重要命题,但是利用近代报刊媒体来探寻女性主体性的研究成果尚不多见。本文以民国时期天津《益世报》的《妇女周刊》为研究对象,综合运用传统史学材料分析和后现代文本解读等方法,吸收和借鉴报刊史、妇女史等研究领域中的相关理论,重点从女性社会史、社会性别等研究视角切入,对媒体与女性主体性建构之间的关系进行了集中探讨。本文不仅从经验主体、思维主体、言说主体三个层面分析女性主体性的建立,而且进一步探讨了在特定的时代语境下,女性如何从这三个层面确立其主体性。通过对《妇女周刊》中有关华北地区社会调查、媒体报道、口述访谈、女性书写等诸多层面的综合分析,客观揭示城市中不同阶层的女性是怎样向男权秩序抗争,在与男性的互动过程中,复杂地建立起女性主体意识的历程。而对民国时期华北社会性别史进行区域研究,一方面弥补了北方经验、立场的缺失,另一方面是对社会性别史研究中南方经验的回应和比较,最终客观呈现民国时期华北地区女性的实际生活体验和感受,发掘或恢复其身份认同和自觉意识,重现其主体性和自我肯定的历史过程。 Women’s subjectivity is an important proposition in the study of women and gender history in recent years. However, the research results of using modern press media to explore the subjectivity of women are still rare. Taking the “Women’s Weekly” of “Yi Shi Bao” in Tianjin during the Republican period as the research object, this article absorbs and draws on relevant theories in the research field of newspaper and periodicals, women’s history and other fields by comprehensively using methods such as traditional historical material analysis and post-modern text interpretation, Women’s social history, gender and other research angle of view, the media and the relationship between women’s subjectivity was focused on. This article not only analyzes the establishment of female subjectivity from three aspects: experience subject, thinking subject and speech subject, but also explores how women can establish their subjectivity from these three aspects in a given time context. Through a comprehensive analysis of various aspects such as social surveys, media reports, oral interviews and female writing in North China Women’s Weekly, it objectively reveals how females of different social strata in the city fight against the patriarchal order and their interactions with men In the complex, establish the process of female subject consciousness. On the other hand, it is a response to and comparison between southern and southern experiences in the study of gender history. Finally, it objectively presents the actual situation of women in North China during the Republic of China Life experience and feelings, explore or restore their identity and consciousness, to reproduce its historical process of subjectivity and self-affirmation.
通讯员洪溪报道4月28日,金光APP旗下的镇江大东纸业举行搬迁暨15万t特种纸项目动工仪式。据了解,镇江大东纸业有限公司原位于江苏省镇江市,成立于1993年5月, Correspondent
本文从作者个人角度着重分析了《甘肃日报》文字评论《供给侧改革需加减法并举》能够获得第二十七届中国新闻奖一等奖的原因,并介绍了作者多年撰写新闻评论的心得与经验。 T
窗外,朦胧的细雨。   我,妈妈,阴暗的房间里一盏昏黄的小灯。   我们母女俩都摘下了各自的眼镜,我把它放在床上,妈妈把它架在头上,各自看着自己的手机。突然,妈妈说:“咦,怎么这么糊啊?”我抬起头眯眼仔细一看,她头上架着一副眼镜,可脸上分明还架着一副眼镜!“哈哈哈……”我们母女俩都情不自禁地大笑起来。