The Zoo 动物园

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  One day, a couple decide to go to the zoo to spend their weekend.
  The man opens up the window and asks: “Eh...Excuse me? Do you know where is the entrance of the zoo?”
  The couple are surprised: “The zoo, z-o-o is a place where animals live together. And people can watch them through the windows.”
  “I don’t know what is the zoo but I bet you will have much more fun here!Why not get out of the car and enjoy the great sunshine with us?”
  Quiz About the Story
  Q: Have you ever been to a zoo?
  A: Yes. I went to the zoo with my mom and dad this summer.
  Q: What did you see in the zoo?
  A: I saw tigers, giraffes, monkeys and pandas!
  Q: What is your favorite animal?
  A: My favorite animal is panda!Because they are cute and are our national treasure.
  Q: Do you like the zoo?
  A: Yes, I do. But I wish the animals could live in their real home, not in the cage.
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