
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eire
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Background. Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of the cervix uteri is extremely rare. Between 1987 and 2002, there have been eight cases described in the English literature. The treatment policies in these eight cases differed considerably, partly due to the rarity of the disease and to differing time periods of diagnosis and treatment. Case. At the end of 2002, a 21- year- old woman presented with a PNET of the cervix uteri at our institute, the Erasmus Medical Center. For the appropriate treatment in this case, we reviewed the literature and decided that the treatment should be different from the local surgical treatment followed by additional treatments as most of the earlier reports describe. Conclusion. In view of the current knowledge of PNET belonging to the family of Ewing’ s sarcoma, and the improvement of treatment outcome in these tumors due to dose-intensive neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, patients with PNET of the cervix should be treated in accordance to the protocol for bony Ewing’ s sarcoma with multimodality therapy by means of induction chemotherapy, surgery, and consolidation chemotherapy. Background: Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of the cervix uteri is extremely rare. Between 1987 and 2002, there have been eight cases described in the English literature. The treatment policies in these eight cases differed considerably, partly due to the rarity of the disease and to differing time periods of diagnosis and treatment. Case. At the end of 2002, a 21-year-old woman presented with a PNET of the cervix uteri at our institute, the Erasmus Medical Center. For the appropriate treatment in this case , we reviewed the literature and decided that the treatment should be different from the local surgical treatment following by additional treatments as most of the earlier reports describe. Conclusion. Current view of the current knowledge of PNET belonging to the family of Ewing’s sarcoma, and the improvement of treatment outcome in these tumors due to dose-intensive neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, patients with PNET of the cervix should be treated in accordance to the pro tocol for bony Ewing’s sarcoma with multimodality therapy by means of induction chemotherapy, surgery, and consolidation chemotherapy.
Low exploration activity fields(e.g.,deep formation,deep water,and new exploration areas) are of great importance for petroleum exploration.The prediction of so
2002年中国的外贸出口量创历史最好水平,同比增长20%。但对于2003年的外贸出口增速,绝大多数经济学家认为2003年要超过2002年会十分困难。 近年来,中国经济增长的一个显著特
95%的尤文肉瘤家族(Ewing family of tumor,EFT)具有特异的EWS-FLI 1融合基因。EWS-FLI 1是一个比正常的FLI 1强多许多倍的转录因子,并且可以与特异ACCGGAAGT基因序列结合。
为探讨黏附分子与皮肤鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma)临床病理之间的关系,我们检测了56例皮肤鳞状细胞癌和10例正常人皮肤组织中上皮性钙黏着蛋白(E-cadherin,E-cad)和CD34的表达,现将结果报道如下。
患者 女,46岁.3个月因双眼视力不清,于2004年12月4日入院,患者伴轻度头痛,月经正常,无身体肥胖,无肢端肥大,无泌乳,无抽搐及肢体无力,入院体查:血压120/65mmHg,神清,语利,双瞳孔等大等圆,光反射灵敏,双颞侧偏盲,视力左0.1,右0.08.血泌乳素823.75uIU/ml(正常值130~700uIU/ml).MRI示:鞍内及鞍上可见21mm×29mm×23mm大小稍长T1信号,其