High altitude medicine in China in the 21st century: Opportunities and challenges

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China has the largest plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where inhabited the most high altitude populations. Moreover, millions of people from plain areas come to the plateau for travel and work purposes and the number of the newcomers has been increasing every year. The hypoxic environment of plateau raised a series of related health issues in the new immigrants, so have created a special medical discipline- High Altitude Medicine. Over the past decades, researches on high altitude medicine have never being ceased in China, and lots of research findings have been reported. Application and practice of these achievements have greatly decreased the mobility and mortality of highaltitude diseases, however, there remained lots of questions to be elucidated. In view of this, the authors were granted a special project from the National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, and conducted a multi-center, prospective, on-scene high altitude medicine study for the acute mountain sickness. Some innovative findings were achieved, and the parameters for diagnosis and application conditions were proposed. Furthermore, the different diagnoses and treatment effects were compared, and a more standardized, reasonable scheme was drawn up. Regarding the unbalanced medical resources in the vast high altitude area, an application system for the public and the army has been established. In the 21 st century, innovations in China and novel research approaches have provided great opportunities for the development of high altitude medicine. It is believed that the researchers in China are able to catch the opportunities and address the challenges. China has the largest plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where inhabited the most high altitude populations. Where, millions of people from plain areas come to the plateau for travel and work purposes and the number of the newcomers has been increased every year. The hypoxic environment of plateau raised a series of related health issues in the new immigrants, so have have a special medical discipline- High Altitude Medicine. Over the past decades, researches on high altitude medicine have never been ceased in China, and lots of research findings have been reported. Application and practice of these achievements have greatly decreased the mobility and mortality of highaltitude diseases, however, there remaining lots of questions to be elucidated. The view was this, the authors were granted a special project from the National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, and conducted a multi-center, prospective, on-scene high altitude medicine study for the acute mountain sickness. Some innovative findings were achieved, and the parameters for diagnosis and application conditions were proposed. And the more diagnoses and treatment effects were compared, and a more standardized, reasonable scheme was drawn up. Regarding the unbalanced medical resources in the vast high altitude area , an application system for the public and the army has been established. In the 21 st century, innovations in China and novel research approaches have provided great opportunity for the development of high altitude medicine. It is believed that the researchers in China are able to catch the opportunities and address the challenges.
Emerging infectious diseases are some of modern society’s greatest threats. Like some great construction efforts designed to protect mankind, current public he
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目的 探讨临床应用腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术中睾丸动脉结扎后对患者的睾丸是否有影响.方法 选取20例临床应用腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术中行精索内静脉及睾丸动脉集束结扎患