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经过无产阶级文化大革命锻炼的我厂革命职工,在伟大领袖毛主席“备战、备荒、为人民”的战略方针指引下,活学活用毛主席光辉哲学思想,立足于为农业服务,继试制和生产“九二○”、“二二三”、杀螟杆菌等七种农药之后,发扬自力更生,艰苦奋斗的革命精神,又试制成功生物助长剂——环烷酸钠。我们遵照毛主席“一切经过试验”的教导,把生物助长剂送到贫下中农手里,大搞科学实验并取得显著的增产效果,喂猪每天增重一斤多,喷洒 Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s strategy of “preparing for war, preparing for war and for the people”, the revolutionary workers and staff of our factory who have been trained by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution live and study and utilize the brilliant philosophy of Chairman Mao, based on serving the agriculture and following trial production and production After the “nine two ○”, “two two three”, seven kinds of insecticide and other pesticides, to promote self-reliance and hard work of the revolutionary spirit, but also try to create a successful bio-extension agent - sodium naphthenate. In accordance with Chairman Mao’s “all-tested” teaching, we sent biological boosters to poor and poor middle peasants, vigorously conducted scientific experiments and achieved remarkable stimulation effects. We fed pigs more than a pound a day more and sprayed
目的 利用银杏悬浮细胞对酯蟾毒配基进行结构修饰。方法 利用只含生长素 2 ,4 D的MS培养基诱导银杏嫩叶 ,使细胞脱分化形成愈伤组织 ,然后将愈伤组织转移至含一定浓度 6
榆四条棉蚜Tetraneura ulmi(Linnaeus)属于棉蚜亚科、四条棉蚜属,也叫高粱根蚜,是值得注意的一种害虫。在辽北它是造成高粱“黄病”的因素之一。1970年我们在调查高粱“黄病
为掌握减压病 (DCS)发生、发展、转归规律和体征与体内变化的关系 ,使用 11种动物经高气压环境暴露 ,不充分减压后观察行为状态 ,Doppler监测心前区气泡音 ,对一些动物进行球
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河南省新郑、中牟和郑州市郊区枣树主要害虫是枣步曲,即枣尺蠖。发生严重时常将大面积枣树的芽、叶和花蕾吃光(图1),对产量和品质影响很大。 通过无产阶级文化大革命,在毛主
The study of traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) with modern research approach has beenongoing for more than half a century . Althoughgreat achievement has been m
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