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加嘉县位于浙江省最北部,是大麦的主产区之一,近年来大麦种植面积稳定在20万亩以上,占全县水田面积的45%以上,随着大麦面积的扩大,冬季作物轮作难度加大,大麦黄花叶病发病面积自79年的30亩,83年猛增至8594亩。我们曾应用轮作,推迟播种期,发病后追施氮、磷肥等栽培措施来对付黄花叶病,但这些措施仅能减轻危害,不能彻底解决,在目前尚无生产上可利用的特效药剂的情况下,只有不断选用抗病、高产、综合性状好的优良品种,才是一种经济有效的手段。为此,于1983年冬由县农业技术推广站正式立题,与县农科 Jiajia County is located in the northernmost part of Zhejiang Province, is one of the main producing areas of barley. In recent years, barley planting area has stabilized at more than 200,000 mu, accounting for more than 45% of the paddy field area in the county. With the expansion of barley area, winter crop rotation Increased difficulty, the incidence of barley yellow mosaic disease area of ​​30 acres from 79 years, 83 years soared to 8594 acres. We have used crop rotation, postponement of sowing, cultivation of topdressing nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer after the onset of disease to deal with yellow mosaic disease. However, these measures can only reduce the harm and can not be completely solved. There are currently no production-specific effective agents Under the continuous selection of excellent varieties with good disease resistance, high yield and good comprehensive traits, it is an economical and effective method. To this end, in 1983 by the county agricultural extension station officially set the topic, and the county agricultural
通过两年的试验认为:麦田防治猪殃殃,亩用25%苯达松乳油0.10公斤加零号柴油0.50公斤(下称苯柴合剂)是可行的。试验结果如表: Through two years of trials that: the preven
源自新几内亚岛和印度尼西亚的豆科植物四棱豆Psophocarpus tetragonolobus(L.)DC.或与其有关的种)的根(或其他部位)提取物可作为化妆品、营养品和药品,用于防治炎症、病毒性
茶黄螨Polyphagotar sonemus latus(Banks)又称侧多食跗线螨、白蜘蛛,属蜱螨目,跗线螨科。此螨对蔬菜的为害日趋严重。在发生高峰期严重地影响着蔬菜的产量,损失较大。为了