意随情动 境由心生——漫话意境中的情感主导

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意境是文学大花园中的一朵奇葩,作为中国抒情文学特有的审美景致,意境是中华民族对世界文学的一大贡献。唐诗宋词之美,不在扣人心弦的情节,不在活灵活现的人物形象,而在其独具一格的意境之美,在其言有尽而意无尽的韵味。意境的创造,直接受到创作主体主观情感的主导,或移情入景,或托物言志,或寄意象征,创作者的情感总是自觉地从意境中显露出来,可以说,每一个意境,都是创作者心境的直接观照。意境的鉴赏同样离不开情感主导,鉴赏者在情感的牵引下,把自己的心绪和意境创作者的思想融合起来,产生共鸣,形成一种心及四野,神游八荒,无拘无束的自由境界,这种情感的自由空间,恰恰就是意境的审美特质之一。 Artistic conception is a wonderful flower in a large garden of literature. As a unique aesthetic view of Chinese lyric literature, artistic conception is a great contribution made by the Chinese nation to world literature. The beauty of the Tang poetry and Song poetry is not in the exciting plot, not vivid characters, but in its unique beauty of the artistic conception, in its words and endless charm. The creation of artistic conception is directly dominated by the subjective emotion of the creative subject, or empathetic into the scene, or the propriety of the writer or the symbol of emotion, the emotion of the creator is always revealed consciously from the artistic conception. It can be said that every artistic conception , Are the direct view of the creator mood. Connoisseurs appreciation is also inseparable from the emotional domination, connoisseurs in the emotional traction, the mood of their own and artistic conception of the creators blend together to resonate, the formation of a heart and four wilds, eight boundaries, free and unfettered freedom, This kind of emotional free space is precisely one of the aesthetic qualities of artistic conception.
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