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导言 0.1.本报告研究的主体对象是中国西部与少数民族地区(以下简称西部)的乡镇企业。这里的西部包括我国的五个少数民族自治区和陕、甘、青、云、贵、川等六省。西部11省区占中国领土的70%以上,1986年统计人口为30296万,占全国总人口的28.66%,其中少数民族人口为5400多万,约占其人口总数的18%,占全国少数民族人口的80%以上。我们对上百个经济社会发展统计指标分析研究的结果表明,西部11省区是我国大陆上目前最贫困与落后的地区;对西部11省区经济社会发展的历史过程进行分析并与全国 Introduction 0.1 The main target of this report is the township and village enterprises in western China and ethnic minority areas (hereinafter referred to as the western region). The western region here includes the five ethnic autonomous regions in our country and the six provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. The western 11 provinces and autonomous regions occupy more than 70% of China’s territory. In 1986, the statistical population was 302.96 million, accounting for 28.66% of the total population of the country, of which the minority population was more than 54 million, accounting for about 18% of the total population of the country, More than 80% of the population. Our analysis of hundreds of statistical indicators of economic and social development shows that the 11 western provinces and autonomous regions are the most impoverished and backward areas in mainland China at present; the historical process of the economic and social development in the 11 western provinces and autonomous regions is analyzed and compared with the national
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