
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aqwww8
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《中国热带医学》由中华人民共和国卫生计生委员会主管,中华预防医学会和海南省疾病预防控制中心主办的国家级学术期刊。本刊为月刊,大16开,128页。2006年起被评为统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊),2013年获2011~2012年度中华预防医学会系列杂志优秀期刊三等奖。一年来,在广大编委和审稿专家的悉心关怀和指导下,我刊整体质量明显的提高,为表示谢意,现将参 “Chinese tropical medicine” by the People’s Republic of China Health and Family Planning Commission director, Chinese Preventive Medicine and Hainan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention hosted a national academic journals. This issue is a monthly magazine, 16 pages open, 128 pages. Since 2006, it has been appraised as the statistical source journal (China science and technology core journals), and won the third prize of the 2013 journals of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association 2013. In the past year, thanks to the care and guidance of the editorial boarders and reviewers, the overall quality of our magazine has been obviously raised. To express our gratitude,
The mechanisms that regulate disease progression during hepatitis C virus(HCV)infection and the response to treatment are not clearly identified.Numerous studie
目的分析射阳县2012年梅毒流行情况。方法收集2012年梅毒疫情资料,采用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。结果 2012年共报告梅毒76例,20~49岁年龄病例占77.63%。全年均有报告,发
According to the important roles played by cytokines in induction of appropriate immune responses against hepatitis B virus(HBV),Dimitropoulou et al have examin
Asian Pacific journal of Tropical Medicine(APJTM),aims to set up and provide an academic communicating platform for international physicians,medical scientists,