
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghosty
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在小学语文教学中,作文训练一直是重点中的重点。作文直观地体现了学生的语文文字功底和语言功底。从教师的角度出发,作文教学是语文教学的重点也是难点;对大部分学生而言,写作是一件令人头痛的事。通过总结多年的作文教学经验,本人总结了几条可行的方法,供广大师生参考和借鉴。一、学生应重视日常素材的积累,做到真情感悟,真实抒发真情感悟,在作文上可以用“感人肺腑”这四个字形容,它是指在写作过程中要用自己最真切的 In primary school Chinese teaching, essay training has always been the key point of emphasis. Composition intuitively reflects the students language proficiency and language skills. From the teacher’s point of view, writing teaching is the focus of language teaching is difficult; for most students, writing is a headache. By summarizing years of writing teaching experience, I summed up a few feasible ways for the majority of teachers and students for reference and reference. First, students should pay attention to the accumulation of daily materials, so that the true sentiment, the real expression of true sentiment, the composition can be used “Touching the heart ” to describe the four words, it refers to the writing process to use their most true
信任,是人与人之间沟通的桥梁。信任,在很多人眼中也许只是一句普通至极的话语,可那一次偶然的经历使我明白了它的真谛。  那是一个大雪纷飞的日子,雪花飘在空中,宛如千万片洁白的柳絮在空中翩翩起舞,虽然很美,但伴随的是寒风刺骨。我的包坏了,在街道上迷茫地寻找着修包店。终于,我找到了一家,急忙走了进去,顿时好像有一股暖流在我身体里涌动,那修包伯伯脸上恬静的微笑让我感觉温暖。我走到他的面前,他和蔼可亲地对我
本文综述了熔盐化学的研究内容与应用领域,并探讨了今后的发展方向。 This review summarizes the research contents and application fields of molten salt chemistry an
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研究出了一种用于日本川崎440Jet Ski快艇、代替不锈钢传动轴的碳纤维/环氧复合材料传动轴,其扭矩为6000磅·英寸,超过了Jet Ski扭矩指数的10倍,同时减轻重量70%。 Developed
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