
来源 :淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silversandcgliu
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在中国 ,具有现代意义的学术研究发端于 2 0世纪。 1 0 0年来 ,中国的学术在艰难中起步 ,又在艰难中跋涉 ,从而取得了令世人瞩目的辉煌成就。站在世纪之交的临界点上 ,我们回眸 ,那 1 0 0年来的学术风云犹如就在眼前。承前是为了启后 ,继往是为了开来 ,当新世纪的钟声即将敲响 In China, academic research with modern significance started in the 20th century. In the past 100 years, the Chinese academic started out in difficulties and made tremendous efforts to make brilliant achievements in attracting world attention. Standing at the critical point of the turn of the century, we look back, that 100 years of academic situation just as in front. Predestination is to Kai after the past is to open up, when the bell of the new century is about to ring
Most growth factors are initially synthesized as precursors and it was cleaved into bioactive mature domain and pro-domain.However,compared with the expression
Combustion-derived and land-plant-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been investigated by using the GC-MS analysis in an ancient soil profile
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There is increasing interest in studying carbon-based nanomaterials(CBNs)for use in regenerative medicine.Some carbon crystalline structures,such as graphene,ca
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新婚之夜,女性到底最需要什么?我们的100个调查对象说,不是温存甜蜜,而是想睡觉。实际上,女性在总结这个夜晚的时候,总是用一个词:筋疲力尽。  30%的夫妻在新婚之夜幸福地很快睡去。  25%的夫妻在新婚之夜有性生活。  16%的夫妻在新婚之夜有非常棒的性生活。  97%的夫妻在新婚之夜之前就有过性生活。  14%的女性担心自己是否表现完美。  36%的女性在第二天早上醒来时非常高兴,婚礼的繁文缛
在上幼儿园的时候,曾经有过至少3年时间,是妈妈带我去单位洗澡的。我经常看到那些与我不同的身体,我一直搞不懂她们为什么和我不一样…… In kindergarten, there have been