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Acute myeloid leukemia(AML)is an aggressive malignant disease defined by abnormal expansion of myeloid blasts.Despite recent advances in understanding AML patho
The use of stem cells as carriers for therapeutic agents is an appealing modality for targeting tissues or organs of interest.Combined delivery of cells togethe
患者,女,47歲。因溺水10分钟入院。患者在入院前10分钟所乘车辆翻入河中,吸入大量混浊泥水。入院查体:P 130次/分,R 36次/分,SpO2 70%,BP 95/56mmHg,体温不升。一般情况差,呈嗜睡状,呼之有反应,能简单对答,全身发绀,四肢冰凉。双侧瞳孔等大等圆2.5mm,对光反射存在。双肺叩诊呈清音,双肺可闻及大量干、湿性啰音。心率130次/分,律齐,无杂音。腹部膨隆。胸部X线报告:
The increasing prevalence of obesity is alarming because it is a risk factor for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases (such as type 2 diabetes). The occurrence
The transcription factor RUNX2 is the osteogenic master gene expressed in mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenic commitment as well as in pre-osteoblasts and
Crohn’s disease(CD)is an inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any site of the digestive system.It occurs due to an immunological imbalance and is respons
Cardiovascular diseases(CVDs)continue to represent the number one cause of death and disability in industrialized countries.The most severe form of CVD is acute