胸怀宏伟目标 振奋革命精神 做好财会工作——本刊编辑部邀请武汉地区会计界部分同志座谈学习、贯彻十二大文件精神

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为了认真学习、贯彻党的十二大文件精神,本刊编辑部于九月十五日邀请湖北省武汉地区会计界的部分同志举行座谈会,座谈了学习十二大文件的体会,畅谈了财会工作如何贯彻落实十二大文件精神的问题。现将座谈情况整理如下。沿着十二大指引的方向前进到会的同志一致认为,党的十二大是七大以来具有划时代意义的一次大会,是党的历史上新的里程牌。邓小平同志的开幕词和胡耀邦同志代表党中央所作的政治报告,全面总结了三十年来我国社会主义革命和社会主义建设的丰富经验,总结了十一届三中全会以来的新经验。从而提出了一整套完整的适合我国国情的社会主义建设的宏伟纲领。十二大显示了我们党的无限生命力,给人以信心和希望,给人以鼓舞和力量。我们一定要胸怀宏伟目标,肩负历史重任,振奋革命精神,立足财会工作本职,满腔热忱地投身到社会主义建设的伟大实践 In order to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 12th CPC National Congress, our editorial department invited some of the accountants in the Wuhan area in Hubei Province to hold a symposium on September 15, discussed the experience of studying the Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of China How to carry out the work of the spirit of the 12 documents. The discussion is now organized as follows. The comrades marching along the direction of the 12th CPC Congress agree that the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is an epoch-making convention since the Seventh National Congress and a new milestone in the party’s history. Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s opening remarks and Comrade Hu Yaobang’s political report on behalf of the party’s Central Committee have comprehensively summed up the rich experience of China’s socialist revolution and socialist construction in the past 30 years and summed up the new experience since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Government. Thus putting forward a complete set of grand programs of socialist construction that are suitable for our country’s national conditions. The 12th Congress shows the unlimited vitality of our party, gives people confidence and hope, gives encouragement and strength. We must cherish the grand goal of shouldering the great responsibility of history, inspiring the revolutionary spirit, based on the actual work of finance and accounting, and dedicated ourselves to the great practice of socialist construction
不进则退,未来5年职业竞争将异常激烈。若要生存,当如何应对 Do not go back, the next five years, professional competition will be extremely fierce. To survive, how