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一、企业不活与政治体制弊端当今企业不活的情况都程度不同地与政治体制存在的弊端相关联。1、企业缺乏自主权。改革开放以来,放权使企业焕发出活力,可见改革政治上的集权体制对搞活企业起了重要的作用。但总体上观察,放给企业的自主权仍不彻底,一些已放给企业的自主权又被某些行政部门以各种名义收回去了。企业的投资自主权、外贸出口权、产品定价权等等,都被无形封死。特别是企业的用人权遭到了剥夺。2、企业生存环境恶化。综观我国经济发展势态,总是以紊乱、不规则的曲线为走势的,经济规律的预测信号在此完全失灵。速度的大上大下,市场的膨胀疲软,物价指数的陡升陡跌,就是证明。因而,即使再活的企业也无法适应这种非常态的环境。企业生存环境恶化不是经济发展的阶段规律所致,而是经济政策的盲目性造成的。而经济政策的盲目性又是建立在一个缺乏民主、科学的经济政策制定体系上,该休系实际上反映出我国政治决策体系的弊端,即决策往往带有个人意志的色彩。 First, the business inactivity and the drawbacks of the political system Today’s business are not live in varying degrees and the disadvantages associated with the political system. 1, the lack of autonomy in business. Since the reform and opening up, decentralization has revitalized the enterprises. This shows that the reform of the political centralized system has played an important role in invigorating the enterprises. However, as a whole, the autonomy given to enterprises remains incomplete. Some autonomy that has been delegated to enterprises has also been resumed by some administrative departments under various names. Investment autonomy of enterprises, export rights, product pricing, etc., have been sealed invisible. In particular, the human rights of enterprises have been deprived. 2, the deterioration of business living environment. Looking at the trend of economic development in our country, we always take the disorderly and irregular curve as a trend, and the forecast signal of economic laws completely fails here. The speed of big and big, weakening of the market, the steep drop in price index is proof. As a result, even re-established businesses can not adapt to this unusual environment. The deterioration of the living environment of enterprises is not caused by the regularity of economic development but by the blindness of economic policies. The blindness of economic policies is based on the lack of a democratic and scientific economic policy making system that actually reflects the drawbacks of the political decision-making system in our country. In other words, the decision-making often carries the individual’s will.