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大豆豆荚形成过程可明显区分为三个阶段:荚壳伸长期,鼓粒期和成熟期,一般分别为20、40和12天左右。大豆结荚与开花相衔接的紧凑程度和灌浆期长短在品种间有区别,影响到品种的生育期,但生育期长的品种不一定灌浆期长。大豆籽粒的大小主要取决于籽粒灌浆强度,其次是灌浆期的长短。一般在开花后35—45天籽粒增长最快,每个籽粒每日干物质积累量可达8—9毫克。籽粒含水量最初可高达90%左右,随着籽粒的增长逐渐下降,直至成熟期降到15%左右。与其它作物相比,大豆具有生殖生长期长的特点,故开花后的田间管理对增产有重大作用。大豆豆荚形成过程,在品种间有多方面的差异,对大豆品种资源进行这方面的分析研究,可以增加大豆育种工作的预见性。 对大豆豆荚形成过程的了解,有助于从栽培和育种方面探索促使大豆丰产的措施。本试验对豆荚形成过程进行了观察,探索荚的形成过程和不同类型品种间的区别。 Soybean pod formation process can be clearly divided into three stages: pod shell elongation period, drum grain stage and maturity, generally 20, 40 and 12 days respectively. Soybean pod and flowering convergence of the compact degree and the length of the filling gap between the varieties, affecting the variety of the growth period, but the growing period of the species is not necessarily a long filling period. Soybean grain size depends on the grain filling strength, followed by the filling period length. 35-45 days after flowering generally grow the fastest grain, dry matter accumulation per day per grain up to 8-9 mg. Grain moisture content can be as high as 90% initially, with the grain growth gradually decreased until the maturity dropped to about 15%. Compared with other crops, soybean has the characteristics of long reproductive growth period, so field management after flowering has a significant effect on yield increase. Soybean pod formation process, there are many differences between the varieties of soybean resources in this area analysis, can increase the predictability of the work of soybean breeding. Knowledge of the soybean pod formation process helps to explore measures to promote high-yielding soybean from the aspects of cultivation and breeding. This experiment observed the formation of pods and explored the formation of pods and the differences between different types of cultivars.
一、引言种子活力是指种子的健壮度,包括迅速、整齐萌发的发芽潜力,以及生长潜势和生产潜力。更多地研究表明,它是比发芽力更能说明 I. INTRODUCTION Seed vigor refers to
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目的实验一建立H2O2 / Fe2+诱导PC12细胞损伤模型及VitE的保护作用。实验二探讨含DSS及FBD脑脊液对损伤细胞的保护作用及其可能的机制。实验三观察阿魏酸、芍药苷及其混合剂对H2O2 / Fe2+诱导PC12细胞损伤的保护作用及机制。方法实验一(1)实验分组:①建立损伤模型:设对照组,50、100、500、1000μmol/L H2O2 / Fe2+组;②VitE保护作用:设正常对照组
作者简介:  徐兰兰,金陵职业教育中心。2009年江苏省职业学校技能大赛美容美发类竞赛女子剪吹、卷杠一等奖。    对于我这样一名中职生来说,比赛就是证明自己的机会。  自从班级中有同学参加了职业技能大赛后,我的心里就默默计算着自己比赛路程,转眼一学期过去了。技能大赛又快来临,对我来说这是很好的机会,我要把我准备一学期的技能知识,全部发挥出来,让自己在大赛的舞台上绽放光彩。    及时调整好心态 
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