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火车油罐车装油过程中需要实现装油鹤管与油罐车罐口的自动对位.DYC—1型超声对位仪将三只超声探头分别设置在鹤管的前、后、侧面,利用超声探测的原理对油罐车的罐口进行探测对位.根据三个探头所接收到的超声反射信号的组合,可以判定鹤管相对于罐口的位置,并给出控制鹤管运动的相应指令,以实现鹤管对罐口的超声自动对位.该仪器在探头设计和电路上采取了措施,可有效地防止声、电干扰,五级风以下时,能立即给出对准指示信号,对准率为100%. In the process of loading oil tanker truck, it is necessary to realize the automatic alignment of oil tanker crane and tanker tank mouth.DYC-1 ultrasonic positioner will set three ultrasonic probes respectively on the front, the rear and the side of the crane tube, Using the principle of ultrasonic detection of the tanker car tank to detect the alignment.According to the three probes received by the combination of ultrasonic reflection signals can be determined relative to the crane port tube mouth position and give control of crane movement The corresponding instructions to achieve Crane tube on the mouth of the ultrasonic automatic alignment of the instrument in the probe design and circuitry to take measures that can effectively prevent the sound and electricity interference, below the five wind, can be given immediately aligned instructions Signal, alignment rate of 100%.
介绍了一级轻气炮的主要结构以及岩石损伤试验的原理和有关装置。 The main structure of a light gas gun as well as the principle of rock damage test and related dev
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To investigate the level of telomerase activation (TA) and telomerase catalytic subunit (hEST 2) gene mRNA in patients with non small cell lung cancer, and de
在广袤无垠的草原上,居住着一位美丽的顶碗姑娘。她酷爱跳舞,舞姿优美,大家都十分喜爱她的舞蹈。 In the vast expanse of grasslands, living in a beautiful bowl girl. S