中考作文 三忌

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作文,历来是各类语文考试的重要组成部分,理所当然地受到广大学子的高度重视。据悉,明年上海市中考作文的分值将有所提高,必将促使考生更加努力地提高自己的作文水平。最近,笔者常常听到应届初三学生向语文老师讨教这样一个问题:怎样的作文才能获得高分?或者说,高分作文的标准是什么?回答这个问题最准确也是最简单的方法是将记叙文和议论文的评分标准解说一遍。然而,我觉得这样的回答太“正宗”,不妨换一个角度,即从阅卷老师最讨厌、最不喜欢哪类作文的角度来和应届初中毕业生聊聊,也许能“歪打正着”,让大家明白写好作文的一些“秘诀”。根据历年中考作文阅卷的实际情况,我将老师最讨厌的作文概括为三个字,即“假、死、浅”。从考生这方面说,就是“三忌”。 Composition has always been an important part of all kinds of language exams, and naturally it is highly valued by the wide students. It is learnt that the scores of the Shanghai high school entrance examination composition will increase next year, which will surely urge candidates to work harder to improve their composition. Recently, I have often heard the question that the third-year students should ask the Chinese language teacher: What kind of composition can get high scores? Or, what is the standard of high-grade composition? The most accurate and simplest way to answer this question is to write the narrative. The essay’s scoring standard is explained again. However, I think such an answer is too “authentic.” It may be a different perspective, that is, from the point of view of the type of composition that the teacher hates most or does not like most, he may talk with the junior high school graduates. It may be possible to “play hard” and let everyone understand Write some “secrets” for the composition. According to the actual situation of the essay writing in the senior high school entrance examination over the years, I summarized the most hated essays by the teacher into three words: “false, dead, shallow.” From the examinee’s point of view, it is “three bogey.”
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