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空气或水流速计算尺是用于计算圆形爆破孔冲洗介质的返回速度的。这种计算尺运用在水井钻进中能有效的加快钻井速度,当知道钻孔和钻杆直径以后,就可以相应在滑动尺上找出最佳空气,水,或泥浆的流动速度。这样就可以帮助选择合适规格的空气压缩机,泥浆泵以及合适的排量。在爆破孔的气动,回转和冲击钻进中这种计算尺适用于2~22英寸钻杆,3~24英寸钻孔直径、 The air or water flow rate ruler is used to calculate the return velocity of the circular blast hole flushing medium. This slide rule can be used to speed up the well drilling well. After knowing the diameter of the borehole and the drill pipe, the slide gauge can be used to find out the best air, water or slurry flow rate. This will help you select the right size air compressor, mud pump and the right displacement. This slide rule is suitable for 2 to 22 inch drill pipe, 3 to 24 inch drill hole diameter,
本文分析了电泳芯片常用材料的性能、不同微通道网络形状和尺寸参数对分离性能的影响 ,并在此基础上概述了塑料电泳芯片材料的选取以及微通道网络形状和尺寸参数的确定方法 ,
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