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我国汽车排放法规沿用欧洲的相关法规,并计划于2012年1月1日开始实施相当于欧IV的国4排放法规,广西玉柴率先提前两个阶段完成了欧VI柴油机的开发,这对提升我国高效清洁柴油机技术自主研发能力、提高我国柴油机产品的国际竞争力有重要意义,对推动我国实施严格的排放法规要求、降低汽车有害排放、改善大气环境有重要的社会效益。 China’s automobile emission regulations follow the relevant European regulations and plans to January 1, 2012 began to implement the equivalent of the EU IV 4 emission regulations, Guangxi Yuchai completed the first two stages in advance of the development of the Euro VI diesel engine, which is to enhance It is of great significance for our country to independently research and develop the diesel engine technology efficiently and improve the international competitiveness of our country’s diesel engine products. It has important social benefits to promote China’s implementation of strict emission regulations, reduce harmful emissions from automobiles and improve the atmospheric environment.
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2.6为确定严重 HEL L P综合征 (溶血、肝酶升高和血小板计数减少 )的发生率和肝酶与血小板计数的关系 ,以及阐述严重母亲并发症的发生率 ,进行了此研究。据巴拿马某医院的研
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3.5宫颈上皮内瘤样病变 (CIN)是浸润性宫颈癌的癌前病变 ,其生物学行为难以预测。大约 2 3%~ 38%的病变会进展 ,2 7%~31%维持不变 ,而 35 %~ 40 %将逆转消退。目前尚不可能预测