The Coagulation Process of Nascent Fibers in PAN Wet-spinning

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tdsl
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The evolvement of microstructure and properties of nascent fibers during coagulation process in the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) wet-spinning and the effect of coagulation bath conditions on the structure and properties of the nascent fibers were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), fiber fineness machine, fiber tensile strength machine, etc. The experimental results indicate that the nascent fibers become denser and have fewer inner defects, the diameter of nascent fibers shrink and the crystallization degree of nascent fibers gradually increases with the increasing of coagulation time. Too large spinning tension leads to grooves occurring on surface of fibers. To obtain circular cross-section of nascent fibers the optimal coagulation conditions are 50 ℃, 65% (concentration) and 0.9 (draw ratio). The evolvement of microstructure and properties of nascent fibers during coagulation process in the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) wet-spinning and the effect of coagulation bath conditions on the structure and properties of the nascent fibers were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) , scanning electron microscope (SEM), fiber fineness machine, fiber tensile strength machine, etc. The experimental results that that nascent fibers become denser and have fewer inner defects, the diameter of nascent fibers shrink and the crystallization degree of nascent fibers with the increasing of coagulation time. To obtain circular cross-section of nascent fibers the optimal coagulation conditions are 50 ° C, 65% concentration and 0.9 (draw ratio).
在比利时的中国人,包括外交官、记者、留学生、华人华侨,很多都认识布丽吉特。我第一次听说这个名字,是一位朋友在2006年春节前告诉我:春节的时候想看中国电影、想吃饺子,可以去找布丽吉特。这一下子激发了我的好奇心——我是一个电影爱好者,也爱吃饺子,这么完美的结合也可以在布鲁塞尔找到?   2007年年底,我见到了布丽吉特。她是地地道道的比利时人,退休前在医院工作,是一位运动理疗师。她和中国电影的缘分得
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