Endoscopic resection techniques and ablative therapies for Barrett’s neoplasia

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freshgrandpa
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Esophageal adenocarcinoma is the most rapidly increas- ing cancer in western countries.High-grade dysplasia (HGD)arising from Barrett’s esophagus(BE)is the most important risk factor for its development,and when it is present the reported incidence is up to 10% per patient-year.Adenocarcinoma in the setting of BE develops through a well known histological sequence,from non-dysplastic Barrett’s to low grade dysplasia and then HGD and cancer.Endoscopic surveillance programs have been established to detect the presence of neo- plasia at a potentially curative stage.Newly developed endoscopic treatments have dramatically changed the therapeutic approach of BE.When neoplasia is confined to the mucosal layer the risk for developing lymph node metastasis is negligible and can be successfully eradi- cated by an endoscopic approach,offering a curative in- tention treatment with minimal invasiveness.Endoscopic therapies include resection techniques,also known as tissue-acquiring modalities,and ablation therapies or non-tissue acquiring modalities.The aim of endoscopic treatment is to eradicate the whole Barrett’s segment,since the risk of developing synchronous and metachro- nous lesions due to the persistence of molecular aberra- tions in the residual epithelium is well established. Esophageal adenocarcinoma is the most rapidly increas-ing cancer in western countries.High-grade dysplasia (HGD)arising from Barrett’s esophagus(BE)is the most important risk factor for its development,and when it is present the reported incidence is up to 10 % per patient-year.Adenocarcinoma in the setting of BE develops through a well known histological sequence,from non-dysplastic Barrett’s to low grade dysplasia and then HGD and cancer.Endoscopic surveillance programs have been established to detect the presence of neo- plasia at a possible curative stage.Newly developed endoscopic treatments have extremely changed the therapeutic approach of BE.When neoplasia is confined to the mucosal layer the risk for developing lymph node metastasis is negligible and can be successfully eradi- cated by an endoscopic approach,offering a curative In- tention treatment with minimal invasiveness.Endoscopic therapies include resection techniques,also known as tissue-acquiring modalities,a Nd ablation therapies or non-tissue acquiring modalities.The aim of endoscopic treatment is to eradicate the whole Barrett’s segment,since the risk of developing synchronous and metachro- nous lesions due to the persistence of molecular aberra- tions in the residual epithelium is well established .
笔者正在编辑美国詹姆斯·冈恩教授主编的多卷集《科幻之路》的中文版。冈恩先生在每一集前都有一篇长篇序言。本文主要是根据第四集的序言编译的。 The author is editing
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