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大体而言 ,这是一篇失败者的失败证词。似乎可以这样说 ,德国人的心灵从来没有、好像也不大情愿走出罗马史家塔西佗笔下的那片日尔曼森林 ,他们的视野所及充其量以莱茵河或地中海为极限 ;地理大发现以后 ,他们前仆后继的思想事业从某种程度上说早已由歌德的《浮士德》为其锻造 :围海造田 ,对抗以英国为代表的现代海洋秩序。2001年深秋 ,德国哲学家伽达默尔殒世 ,德国人把这一事件称为“一个世纪的结束” ,且称这个世纪乃是“海德格尔和卡尔·施米特的世纪”。毫无疑问 ,德国人完全有理由感谢和纪念德意志民族思想史上这两个寂寥和落寞的身影 ,如所有伟大的德意志思想家那样 ,他们的思想都相当古典地植根于“日尔曼森林”(塔西佗 )和“灿烂的星空”(康德 ) ,而对海洋这一地理大发现之后才开始进入欧洲人视野的现代现象 ,始终抱持一种高贵的不屑和疏离 ,并视其为虚无主义、物质主义、享乐主义和技术主义的种种无目的力量的始作俑者 (歌德的《浮士德》)。这篇对话出自译者正在选编和翻译的《卡尔·施米特文集 :陆地与海洋》中的其中一篇 ,原文收于施米特的国际法文集《大空间、国家和法》。目前关于施米特的中文译著已经有很多种 ,但译者认为 ,关于陆地与海洋主题的反思对中国人最具反思价值和切身意义。 In general, this is a failure testimony of losers. It seems to be said that the Germans had never had their minds, as if they were reluctant to step beyond the Germanic forests of the Roman historian Tacitus, whose views were limited to the Rhine or the Mediterranean at best; Their thought-provoking career, to some extent, has long ago been forged by Goethe’s Faust: sea reclaiming land against the modern maritime order represented by Britain. In the late autumn of 2001, the German philosopher Gadamer died. The Germans described the incident as “the end of a century.” They also described this century as “the century of Heidegger and Karl Schmitter.” There is no doubt that the Germans have every reason to thank and commemorate these two lonely and lonely figures in the history of German national ideology, whose ideas, as all great German thinker, are rather classical, rooted in the “Germain forest” Tacitus) and the “brilliant sky” (Kant). However, the modern phenomena that began to enter the European view only after the great discovery of the ocean have always held a noble disdain and alienation and regarded it as nihilism , Materialism, hedonism and technologicalism (Goethe’s Faust). This dialogue comes from one of Karl Schmitt’s Collected Works: Land and the Sea, which the translator is currently editing and translating. The original is in Schmitt’s collection of international law, The Great Space, the State and the Law. At present, there are many kinds of Chinese translations about Schmitt, but the translator thinks that the reflection on the theme of land and sea is of the most reflective value and vital significance to Chinese people.
AIM:To compare and evaluate the appropriate prog-nostic indicators of lymph node basic staging in gastric cancer patients who underwent radical resection.METHOD
这座现代学院就叫作圣凯瑟琳学院。牛津大学的许多学院不可能都跟着咖啡店的名字起校名 ,不过 ,我待过的那个沃德姆(Wadham)学院 ,听上去却有点百货店的味道。这个名字包含着理论思考
笔者正在编辑美国詹姆斯·冈恩教授主编的多卷集《科幻之路》的中文版。冈恩先生在每一集前都有一篇长篇序言。本文主要是根据第四集的序言编译的。 The author is editing