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热回收通风在寒冷地区畜舍中应用越来越广泛,但严寒地区热回收通风的热交换器的结冰问题限制其应用.为找到经济的办法解决热回收通风在严寒地区冬季运行的问题,探索严寒地区冬季兔舍通风与供暖合理搭配的模式,缓解通风与保温之间的矛盾,本研究在中国东北阿荣旗冬季兔舍开展了热回收通风结合锅炉供暖的试验.试验中利用锅炉散发的余热对寒冷空气预热后,再进入热交换器中进行排风热回收,防止热交换器结冰导致其无法运行.结果 显示,当该系统运行时,兔舍内氨气和二氧化碳浓度分别降低了46%和64%.室外温度为-15.8~-11.8℃时,通风带来的兔舍温度下降仅为1.8℃;家兔呼吸道和皮肤病冬季的发病率相比上一年分别降低了16%和4%.室外冷空气通过锅炉房预热,温度提高了8.1℃,再通过空气热交换器时,温度从提高了6.4℃,运行过程中未观察到热交换器结冰的现象.锅炉房预热和热回收通风对冷风的加热能量负荷分别为6.8和5.6 kW.热回收通风系统的显热回收效率为75.6%,能效比为6.2,设备投资回收期为3年.将热回收通风系统结合锅炉房预热可以在不额外增加耗能的情况下,大幅改善冬季兔舍的环境,为改进严寒地区兔舍冬季通风与供暖模式提供了参考.“,”Heat recovery ventilation (HRV) is type of energy saving ventilation.It has been widely used in animal house to alleviate contradiction between thermal comfort and ventilation in recent years.However,air heat exchanger freeze of HRV caused by severe cold weather limited HRV application in northeast China.It is necessary to find an economic way to ensure HRV being operated without freezing.Establish a more reasonable integration of heating and ventilation system in severely cold area.An experiment was conducted in rabbit house during winter in Arun Banner,northeast China.The rabbit house was heated by a coal boiler in the next room.Hot water produced by boiler was supplied to heating radiator inside the rabbit house.The boiler room was warm because of some extra heat release by boiler.To prevent freezing,the boiler room was used to preheat cold fresh air before it entered the heat exchanger.The HRV was installed on the ground of the rabbit house.It was an integration of HRV and boiler heating system.Temperature,relative humidity and concentration of noxious was measured with automatic recording sensor instrument.Data was collected to evaluate the decrease in air pollutants and air temperature of the rabbit house.Preheating effect of the boiler room and the HRV were tested when the system was in operation.The performance of the HRV and prevention of freezing in heat exchanger was evaluated in typical cold weather in northeast China.The economic benefit of the system was analyzed.The results showed that when the HRV and boiler system began to operate,concentrations of ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in rabbit house dropped by 46% and 64%,respectively.Moreover,indoor air temperature only dropped by an average of 1.8 ℃ when the outdoor air temperature varied from-15.8 to-11.8 ℃.It means that the system can significantly improve indoor air quality with barely a slight decline of indoor air temperature.Respiratory and skin disease decreased by 16% and 4%,respectively.It is great potential for better health and production of rabbits.The boiler room heated fresh air by 8.1 ℃,and the HRV heated fresh air by 6.4 ℃ on average.No frozen of the heat exchanger was observed.Heated load of the boiler room and the heat recovery load of the HRV were 6.8 and 5.6 kW,respectively.Sensible heat recovery efficiency of the HRV was 75.6%.Coefficient of performance of the HRV was 6.2.The system was operated efficiently.The method of freezing prevention ensure HRV in good condition among the whole cold season in northeast China.It is an economic option because the system can operated without extra energy consumption.The return of investment is 3 years in this work condition.The integration of HRV and boiler allowed HRV and boiler heating to operate with high efficiency and solve the contradiction between heating and ventilation in severely cold weather in the rabbit house.This finding can provide a sound reference for the design of animal house heating and ventilation system in severely cold climate northeast China.
(1)整机配置.139.65 kW(190 hp)高压共轨发动机,HST静液压驱动;“子弹头”式单纵轴流滚筒,滚筒转速无级可调;凹板间隙6挡可调.rn标配四代车身正压驾驶室,双层往复异向振动筛,可选择静液压后驱、机械后驱,满足多种作物不同工况收获需求.rn(2)作业高效.3/3.25割台、喂入双链耙,4排伸缩齿,割台喂入快.
黑龙江省十方公司从美国进口的OXB02570型鲜食玉米收获机,近日在黑龙江省青冈县已投入收获作业.主要功能与特点如下.rn(1)2570型相对于2475型的升级变化.驾驶室内的DANFOSS按键式控制显示屏更换成17.8 cm(7英寸)触屏显示;速度变化命令激活由控制手柄激活更换成触屏菜单控制;驾驶室中的座椅、扶手、操作手柄和中控台做了人性化操作的更改设计;2570型机器可挂接PLOEGER菠菜收获割台,而2475型不可以实现此功能;增加了轮胎可选配置.
澄澄的麦穗,颗粒饱满,沉甸甸地随风摇曳,飘散出醉人的麦香,翻腾着滚滚的金波.凯斯AF4099型收割机亮红的身影在麦田中格外显眼,每一声机械轰鸣都代表着丰收的喜悦.rn6月底,新疆伊犁河谷地区开始小麦收获作业,随着先进农业种植技术的推广,尽管受到干旱等不良天气影响,伊犁河谷地区的小麦仍然获得大丰收.新疆生产建设兵团农4师可克达拉市67团更是创下了12 165 kg/hm2的小麦单产新纪录,而农4师63团12连小麦万亩高产创建核心示范区平均单产达到11 922 kg/hm2,创伊犁河谷小麦高产记录.
花生中后期容易遭受台风、强降雨、干旱和低温寡照等气象灾害,须因地制宜搞好科学应对.rn(1)涝害防灾减灾技术.雨季要及时清理田间沟渠,尽快排水降渍,消除渍涝.要加深地头排水沟,确保自流排水通畅.排水不畅的地块,要采用机械排水,确保消除渍涝.夏花生要在地面泛白时及时中耕散墒,破除土壤板结层,提高土壤通透性,促进根系恢复生长.露地夏花生,要结合中耕进行地下追肥,一般追施氮磷钾(15-15-15)复合肥300~ 450 kg/hm2;覆膜花生一般叶面喷施1%尿素和0.2%磷酸二氢钾混合液750 kg/hm2,连
1 好犁的特点rn一是能保持良好的土壤结构,有效地将有机质埋在土壤中,土块均匀散开;二是耕幅调整范围广泛,操作灵活简易;三是适用于高强度作业,耐用,可全天不间断作业;四是采用犁结构保护系统,工作寿命长,维护成本低;五是结构设计合理,操作灵活.