
来源 :林业科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zj5536
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This paper deals with the bionomics of Micromelopha troglodyta .The pest has 2 generations a year and overwinters in pupa in the fallen leaves.In the food lack condition,the last instar larvae is compelled to pupate in advance,the mass of the pupa is much lighter than that of normal pupa.If the mass of the pupa is below 90 mg,it can not emerge.The mathematical model between the probability of the female and the pupa mass is Y i =-6.22+3.256 log X i .The mathematical model between amount of the female eggs and the pupa mass is Y i′ =-1 886.3+1 014.4 log X i .Applying these mathematical models,we can forecast the population dynamics of M.troglodyta. This paper deals with the bionomics of Micromelopha troglodyta. Pest has 2 generations a year and overwinters in pupa in the fallen leaves. In the food lack condition, the last instar larvae is compelled to pupate in advance, the mass of the pupa is much lighter than that of normal pupa. IF the mass of the pupa is below 90 mg, it can not emerge. the mathematical model between the probability of the female and the pupa mass is Y i = -6.22 + 3.256 log X i. mathematical model between amount of the female eggs and the pupa mass is Y i ’= -1 886.3 + 1 014.4 log X i .Applying these mathematical models, we can forecast the population dynamics of M.troglodyta.
一个月前,赵女士还只是东城区某检测部门的检测员。然而,现在的她却成了炙手可热的名模。这究竟是为什么呢?  ●意外相遇  “到现在连我自己都没搞清楚。”赵女士在接受采访时,笑着说:前几个月,食品健康中心的赵主任来我们单位做质检。我和同事一看,是一种叫“早餐第一步”的减肥早餐,就打趣说:“赵老,这早餐真能减肥吗?”“哈哈,你试试不就知道了。”赵老笑着说。  我知道赵老是著名的营养学家、食疗专家,上过很
经1996年至1998年室内接种试验,分别比较了人工饲养带毒和自然带毒的茶翅蝽成虫和若虫的传病特点。结果显示:室内人工饲养带毒的3龄、4龄若虫接种泡桐发病率分别达61.7% 和46.5% ,高于自然带毒的若虫
以浙江省庆元县庆元林场杉木种子园13 a 种子产量系列和影响杉木种子园产量的生物因(X1~X3)、气象因子(X6~X14)及立地因子(X4~X5)等资料为依据,在应用回归分析方法筛选构成影响产量主导因子的基础上,分别