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浙江省永康市的陈茂起持未年审驾驶证驾驶未年检的三轮摩托车,被交警暂扣。执勤交警要他到车管部门补好年检审手续后,再来取车。可陈茂起只带来了盖有村委会、镇政府印章的家庭情况证明及《永康日报》,要求交警照顾放行。从证明和报纸上得知:陈茂起的儿子子旺(男,9... Yongmao, Zhejiang Province, Mao-chang held not examined driver’s license did not drive the annual inspection of the tricycle motorcycle was detained by the traffic police. On duty traffic police asked him to Che Kwun authorities make up the annual inspection procedures, and then take the car. Chen Maoqi can only bring the cover of a village committee, the town government seal of the family situation and “Yongkang Daily”, requiring traffic police take care of release. From the proof and newspaper that: Chen Maoqi’s son Zi Wang (male, 9 ...
We simulated the asymmetrical growth of cube-shaped nanoparticles by applying the Monte Carlo method.The influence of the specific mechanisms on the crystal gro
1 概况 苏州河中段是指从中山西路3号桥至长寿路的河段,全长约8.3km,宽度为50~60m,平时水位一般不低于3m,属苏州河环境综合整治的中游段。该河段穿越了上海市区内的长宁、普
Eu~(3+)luminescence spectroscopy has been used to investigate the effective doping of alkoxide-based silica(SiO_2) gels using a novel pressure-assisted sol-gel
Copper and titanium remain relatively plentiful in earth crust.Therefore,using them in solar energy conversion technologies are of significant interest.In this
为了探讨一氧化氮 (NO)在缺血神经元坏死中的作用机制及三七总皂甙 (PNS)是否通过影响NO的变化而起脑保护作用。  方法 用栓线法建立大鼠局灶性脑缺血模型 ,测定脑缺血后