Carving a Niche For Themselves

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ting1991
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Any expat who has lived in China for a while will be quick to tell you that graffiti is not that much of a problem here. I have taken time out to stroll around several of China’s large cities and can count on my one hand when I’ve seen the creative examples of graffiti drenched walls you come across in New York, London, Paris or Cape Town. The aerosol paint kids haven’t Any expat who has lived in China for a while will be quick to tell you that graffiti is not that much of a problem here. I have taken time out to stroll around several of China’s large cities and can count on my one hand when I ’ ve seen the creative examples of graffiti drenched walls you come across in New York, London, Paris or Cape Town. The aerosol paint kids have not
本刊1983年创刊,至今共出版九卷二十六期。 1983年为第一卷,共二期:第一期社科版,第二期教育自然版。1984年为第二卷,共二期:第一期社科版,第二期自然版。1985年为第三卷,共
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