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中行运城支行成立10年来形成有问题贷款达1.37亿元,占发放贷款总额的51.3%。能否盘活这部分资金,成为关系运城中行能否继续生存下去的大问题。他们把清贷收息作为各项业务的重中之重来抓。首先,他们通过各种方式,使大家认识到:随着《商业银行法》的实施,如果不重视内涵发展,盘活有问题贷款,不仅不能支持地方经济建设,连银行生存都无法保障。通过思想教育,唤起了干部职工的忧患意识。其次,他们严格奖惩制度,实行清贷收息与工资挂钩。支行每4个科(室)包两个基层单位,实行行政首长负责制:对年底完成清贷信息任务不足一半的,一把手退位让贤;不足60%的,对一把手降职使用。各单位一把手、贷款 During the 10 years since the establishment of BOCG Yuncheng Branch, a total of 137 million yuan of loans have been formed, accounting for 51.3% of the total loans. Can activate this part of the funds, a relationship between the city of Yuncheng can continue to survive the big problem. They take the loan-clearing interest rate as the top priority in various businesses. First of all, through various ways, they have realized that with the implementation of the Commercial Bank Law, if there is no emphasis on the development of internal connotation and the revitalization of problematic loans, it will not only fail to support the local economic construction but will not guarantee the survival of banks. Through ideological education, aroused the awareness of the crisis among cadres and workers. Second, they rigorously reward and punish the system and implemented a loan-interest-rate-pay linked to wages. Each branch of the branch shall include two grassroots units and shall have the responsibility of the executive head. In case of less than half of the task of clearing information by the end of the year, the leaders of the sub-branches shall abdicate the positions of good and bad; if less than 60% of the units are employed, they will be demoted. Leading units, loans
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