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8月3日至7日,财政部、新闻出版署联合在黑龙江省哈尔滨市召开了第三次全国新闻出版局计财处长会议。这次会议的主要议题是,学习中央领导同志对出版工作的指示;研究建立《国营出版企业发展专项资金》,研究如何加强国营出版企业财务管理等问题。新闻出版署副署长于永湛在开幕时作了讲话。他在讲话中强调了计划财务管理工作在出版事业中的地位和作用。他说,出版经济政策的制定和落实,出版事业“八五”计划和十年发展规划,出版企业的承包等,都和计财工作密切相关。计财工作通过统筹、服务、协调、监督等职能为出版事业的持续、稳定、协调发展提供保障。他还就今后如何加强计财工作提出3点意见:1.各级出版 From August 3 to August 7, the Ministry of Finance and the Press and Publication Administration jointly held the third chief press conference of director of the Planning and Finance Commission of the State Press and Publication Administration in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. The main topics for this conference are to learn the instructions of the central leading comrades on the publishing work; to study the establishment of “special funds for the development of state-run publishing enterprises”; and to study how to strengthen the financial management of state-run publishing enterprises. At the opening ceremony, Yu Yongzhan, deputy director of the Press and Publication Administration, made a speech. In his speech, he emphasized the position and role of planned financial management in publishing. He said that the formulation and implementation of the publication of economic policies, the publication of the “1985” plan and the ten-year development plan and the contracting of publishing enterprises are all closely related to the work of making money. The work of making money through the co-ordination, service, coordination, supervision and other functions for the publication of the sustained, stable and coordinated development to provide protection. He also put forward three suggestions on how to strengthen the work of making money in the future: 1. Publishing at all levels
8月7日 晴  大家知道长治有个振兴村吗?那是一个风景怡人的小山村,妈妈给我报名参加的小记者采风活动就是去这里,起初我对这里并不感兴趣,不就是一个普通的村庄吗,我都去过好多地方了,然而,事实却让我改变了想法……  8月5日上午我和其他小记者们大概三十人左右,在杨老师和龙老师的带领下出发了,上车前我们分了两个队,蜻蜓队和蜜蜂队,我被荣幸地选上了副队长,负责帮老师清点人数和给老师打下手。到达目的地已经
The over-expression of α-synuclein is a major factor in the death of dopaminergic neurons in a methamphetamine-induced model of Parkinson’s disease. In the pr