On the Natural Form of Ceramic Design Art

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  Ceramic art has a long history and profound cultural background. Ceramic design art gives people the understanding of beauty and the pursuit of beauty shape. Modern ceramic design art is a subject of art and design based on living needs,cultural needs and the development of modern science and technology.
  With the research of modern ceramic designers on the ceramic form language,the discussion of the content of ceramic art expression,as well as the continuous time and exploration of the material,firing temperature,glaze and so on,the expression form of ceramic art is more and more colorful,and the unique comprehensive art of ceramic reflects full of vitality.
  In the art of ceramic design,the natural form language plays an active role and has distinct characteristics. The natural form embodies the formal beauty rules such as symmetry,balance,rhythm and rhyme. The texture and color of the objects in nature also contain philosophy and mystery,which provide endless inspiration for designers. The design of ceramics from the whole point of view,the clever use of natural form language,reasonable arrangement,for ceramic design with new cultural significance.
  In the ceramic design,the designer obtains the expression on the texture through the modeling means,the color use way and so on causes the viewer to have the association and the imagination,forms the ceramic works and the audience's spiritual interaction.
  Natural form language appears in ceramic design in the form of group flowers. From the perspective of ceramic decoration techniques,it can be divided into two kinds:figurative figure and abstract figure. The concrete natural figure is the true portrayal of the natural object,the style is direct,clear highlight the sense of reality,so that people at a glance. On the basis of nature,the abstract natural figure is summarized and abstracted so as to make the image more concise,general and thought-provoking. Can let the viewer through the association,experience the design thought and the creative idea.
  In the context of modern design,the scope of ceramic design has gradually expanded,and the cross of disciplines has become more and more complex. Psychology,material science,product design and other knowledge have infiltrated with ceramic technology,and people's multi-level needs have determined the important position of personalized design. How to pursue the organic combination of form,material and texture,so that ceramic design in the premise of industrialization has more personality and characteristics to meet the needs of different groups of people. It is the problem that modern design needs to solve. Therefore,ceramic design should follow the law of combination of nature and spiritual experience,so as to change the traditional aesthetic concept and create design works that can not only reflect the natural style and conform to modern aesthetics but also have practicality.
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