Problems and Strategies in the Implementation Process of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project

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  [Abstract:In recent years, secondary vocational colleges have actively responded to national policies to cultivate "double innovation" talents. The effective implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects is conducive to cultivating more "double innovation" talents. This article takes the award-winning innovation and entrepreneurship project-"High-altitude Multifunctional Detector" as an example, briefly describes the implementation process of the innovation and entrepreneurship project, analyzes the problems in the implementation of the project, and proposes corresponding solutions and suggestions, aiming to provide future innovations Provide reference for entrepreneurial projects.
  Key words:Secondary Vocational Electronics Major; Innovation and entrepreneurship projects; Problems and strategies]
  1 Introduction
  The effective implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects not only responds to the country’s “mass entrepreneurship” and “grassroot entrepreneurship” educational reform trends, but also exercises students’ innovative thinking and application coordination capabilities based on previous social practices, and enhances students’ personal value. Created a better job prospects, and at the same time served the local economic development at the high level. Based on the analysis and summary of the excellent innovation and entrepreneurship project "High-altitude Multifunctional Detector", this article provides reference for the implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects in schools in the future to promote the development of innovation and entrepreneurship education.
  2 The implementation process of the innovation and entrepreneurship project of "High-altitude Multifunctional Detector"
  (1) Market analysis. Whether there is market demand for innovation and entrepreneurship projects, we must first analyze the feasibility of the project and the consumer market. The innovation and entrepreneurship project team collected, sorted out and analyzed the second-hand housing transaction data across the country in recent years and found that most of the old houses have reached the time for the second renovation. This detection tool customized for decorators has a huge market.
  (2) Market research. The team members used on-site visits, questionnaire analysis, network research and other methods to understand the sales volume of similar electronic detection equipment, the recognition of specific groups of people for the product, and the market share of similar products, and found that similar products on the market have a single function, so there is more research and development. Functional detectors have a large market space.   (3) SWOT analysis of the project. SWOT refers to the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the project. The advantages of the project: the use of camera detection can directly view abnormal parts that cannot be touched by the human eye; the use of ranging ultrasonic precise positioning can achieve rapid operation; the product is easy to carry and cost-effective. The project has the disadvantage of narrow product demand positioning group and difficult market promotion. But at present, almost no identical product is found to be a good opportunity for innovation and entrepreneurship in the market.
  (4) Product research and development. Only with a certain degree of innovation in project products can there be room for long-term development. The high-altitude multi-function detector product has achieved several innovations: one is to use the working principle of medical gastrointestinal endoscopy to reflect the captured image on the display; the second is to use single-chip programming and stepping motors to achieve 360-degree detection; the third is to achieve distance measurement ultrasound Accurate positioning; the fourth is to install telescopic rods to solve high-altitude operations.
  (5) Marketing strategy. First, determine the target of marketing, such as home improvement companies, water and electricity maintenance, house decoration, electrical maintenance, etc. Secondly, at different stages, promote products through a mix of online and offline methods.
  3 Problems in the implementation of the innovation and entrepreneurship project of the "High-altitude Multifunctional Detector"
  1. The division of labor is not clear
  At present, most of the members of innovation and entrepreneurship teams are students of the same major. Due to the limitation of knowledge, it is not conducive to the generation of diversified innovative thinking. Secondly, most of the project team members come from different classes, and there is a lack of communication and discussion. The focus of the project is on the person in charge and the mentor, which does not conform to the spirit of full participation of the project.
  2. Insufficient project funding
  Insufficient funding is the most difficult problem for many innovative and entrepreneurial projects. For example, the high-altitude multifunctional detector project requires the purchase of raw materials for assembly design. In order to select suitable materials such as cameras, displays, and telescopic poles, the team conducted nearly 30 experiments with a large investment.   3.Insufficient conversion of results
  Most of the achievements of innovation and entrepreneurship projects are presented to the public in the form of winning entries or applying for patents, a few are transformed into research papers, and a very few are transformed into practical applications to serve the local economy.
  4 the solution strategy for existing problems
  (1) Establish a diversified student team
  In addition to an excellent team of mentors, the selection of student members is also a key part of innovation and entrepreneurship projects. A team should have students in different professional fields such as technology, planning, finance, and sales. The integration of multi-disciplinary and multi-professional talents can make products more diverse and diversified. In addition, considering the relatively weak theoretical knowledge of high school freshmen, high school three students are busy entering school or looking for jobs, so team members can choose more students who have entered the second stage of high school. For example, most of the team members in the high-altitude multi-function sounder project are students who are about to be promoted to the second level, and the division of responsibilities is clearly defined. For example, student A is responsible for project overall planning, reviewing studio projects, contracts, marketing plans, and reviewing financial systems and planning, etc. ; Student B is responsible for technical aspects and after-sales service of products; Student C is responsible for financial planning such as fund management and scheduling; Student D is responsible for studio market development, formulation and implementation of online and offline marketing plans, etc.
  (2) Raising project funds through multiple channels
  The participation of schools, non-governmental organizations, organizations, and enterprises can reduce the burden of research funding and escort innovative and entrepreneurial project products. The school should actively contact all sectors of society and jointly carry out innovation and entrepreneurship projects. For example, the high-altitude multi-function detector project relies on the strong support of the school. Special funds for expert guidance have been established for the special expenses of innovation and entrepreneurship technical guidance. The school provides entrepreneurial places and various office equipment for free, which also saves a cost for the product.   (3) Promote the transformation of achievements in many aspects
  In view of the problem of insufficient transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship project results, relevant research papers can be published as project results by transferring theory to practice. In terms of project products serving the local economy, effective marketing methods are an important link for products to be transformed from theory to real objects and put into real life. In the early stage, increase product awareness by issuing flyers and online marketing; in the middle and late stages, use electronic industry forums, electronic professional and technical personnel qq group, WeChat group and other network platforms to promote products for online marketing, and at the same time, cooperate with enterprises Conduct offline sales to achieve a win-win situation.
  5 Conclusion
  In the context of my country’s vigorous promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship education, innovation and entrepreneurship projects are an effective combination of innovation and entrepreneurship education and professional knowledge, and are also an important way to cultivate students’ "double innovation" practical ability. In order to better realize the implementation effect of innovation and entrepreneurship projects, through analyzing the problems of specific examples, it is proposed that the project should set up diversified teams, multi-channel fundraising, and multi-faceted achievement transformation strategies to promote the sustainable development of innovation and entrepreneurship education.
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  Fuzhou Institute of Education Research
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