
来源 :才智 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hedayang82
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县级市房地产开发成为我国房地产业发展的新热点。在目前县级市房地产开发中存在着物业管理意识单薄、住房供应结构不合理、过于注重盈利等问题。通过对县级市地产开发现状进行调查,笔者认为,需从规划入手,在房产开发时注重社会综合效益;与旧城改造相结合;与当地民居特色想结合;还应注重节能减排。 County-level real estate development has become a new hot spot in the development of China’s real estate industry. In the current county-level real estate development there is a weak sense of property management, housing supply structure is not reasonable, too much emphasis on profitability and other issues. Through the investigation of the present situation of real estate development in county-level cities, the author believes that it is necessary to start from the planning, pay attention to the comprehensive social benefits in the development of real estate, combine with the transformation of the old city, and combine with the characteristics of local dwelling houses. Attention should also be paid to energy saving and emission reduction.
扬麦158是以扬麦4 号为母本, St1472/506选系3 为父本杂交, 经60Co 辐照后选育而成的早中熟高产小麦新品种。在浙江省种植表现株型紧凑, 分蘖力中等, 耐肥抗倒, 穗大粒重, 品质、抗性好, 产量水平高等特