
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiyulaile
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江苏省滨海县农村电力管理总站在对全县25个乡(镇)电管站调查研究的基础上,果断作出决定,对亏损乡站职工实行抵押上岗责任制,这一举措的实施,使亏损乡站的干部职工肩上有压力,积极性普遍有了提高,仅仅半年时间,已收到显著效果。 滨海县坎北乡电管站,因历任站长管理不善,造成年年亏损。在农电体制改革中,县农电总站首先调整了该站的领导班子,并对该站职工实行抵押上岗责任制。经全体职工讨论决定:站长交抵押金1500元,辅导员和会计各1250元,其余职工1000元,不交抵押金者不得上岗。还明确规定:在亏损期间,抵押金一律不退还; Based on the investigation and study of the power management stations in 25 townships (towns) of the county, the rural power management station of Binhai County of Jiangsu Province made a decisive decision to implement the mortgage responsibility system for employees at the loss-making township station. The implementation of this measure resulted in a loss. The cadres and workers at the township station have pressure on their shoulders and their enthusiasm has generally improved. Only six months have passed and remarkable results have been achieved. The electric station of Kanbei Township, Binhai County, suffered losses year after year because of poor management of the station manager. In the reform of the rural power system, the County Agricultural Power Station first adjusted the leadership of the station, and the employees of the station implemented the mortgage responsibility system. After discussion by all employees, the station manager will pay 1,500 yuan in mortgage deposits, 1,250 yuan in tutors and accounting, and 1,000 yuan in other employees. It also clearly stipulates that during the loss period, the deposit money will not be refunded;
到石象乡采访农村电气化建设时,笔者了解到这样几件与农村电工有关的事。 为村电工家属点歌 “乡电管站想得真周到,专门为 俺点一首歌。别管啦,以
虚火投机把蒜价葱价搞乱了;  养生讲座把心理生理搞乱了;  真传销把亲情友情搞乱了;  假档案把“二历”“三龄”搞乱了;  网络直播把红包搞乱了;  惊人速度把节奏搞乱了;  谣言把人心搞乱了;  贪欲把人生搞乱了。
乡(镇)电管站兴办第三产业蔚然成风。可经济效益和社会效益到底如何呢?笔者带着这个问题采访了几个乡(镇)电管站。 The township (town) electricity management station has be
就如何有效地控制农村电费电价,我们进行了探讨和尝试——推广“联户表”。 “联户表”是指根据农村住户居住情况,每三至六户安装一块小总表,每户安装分表,集中上杆安装,“