
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuchunxi
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河南省许昌县小召乡党委、政府针对老电费拖欠严重、新电费回收困难、造成全乡用电管理举步维艰的情况,及时召开了山乡党委委员、派出所长、司法所长、法厅厅长及电管所长参加的电费回收专题会议,研究布署厂电费回收的具体工作。乡党委书记徐明章同志亲自担任电费回收领导小组组长,乡长马银昌,副乡长马连生同志任副组长,并分兵三路到各村、乡镇企业督促电费回收工作,针对陈旧电费、无头债,他们常常不辞辛苦数十里骑车找当事人、知情人了解情况,多次召开村委会制定回收方案。从1994年12月2日12月 The Xuxiang County Party Committee and Government of Xuchang County of Henan Province convened a timely meeting of the members of the Party Committee of the township party committee, the director of the police station, the director of the judicial office, and the Director of the Legal Department in response to the fact that the old electricity charges were in arrears and new electricity tariffs were difficult to recover. The special meeting for the collection of electricity charges participated by the director of the electric power management committee was conducted to study the specific work of recharging the factory electricity charges. Comrade Xu Mingzhang, party secretary of the township party committee, personally served as leader of the electric fee recovery leading group, the head of township chief Ma Yinchang, and deputy mayor Ma Liansheng as deputy heads, and dispatched soldiers to the villages and township enterprises to urge the recovery of electricity charges against the old electricity tariffs and head debts. They often ride bikes to find the parties and find out about the situation. They have repeatedly called the village committee to formulate a recycling plan. From December 2, 1994 to December
在山西省阳高电业局农电总结表彰大会上,东小村镇党委副书记张子福、城关镇人大主席马福图两位热心“编外电官”被请上领奖台,台下响起一片掌声和赞许声。 马福图是城关镇人
一只老鼠能引起大面积停电,而且难以查处故障点,是农电管理人员很头痛的事。过去,安徽省涡阳县供电局城东供电站由于鼠害频繁,经常引起10KV线路跳闸停电。针对这 A mouse ca
到石象乡采访农村电气化建设时,笔者了解到这样几件与农村电工有关的事。 为村电工家属点歌 “乡电管站想得真周到,专门为 俺点一首歌。别管啦,以
虚火投机把蒜价葱价搞乱了;  养生讲座把心理生理搞乱了;  真传销把亲情友情搞乱了;  假档案把“二历”“三龄”搞乱了;  网络直播把红包搞乱了;  惊人速度把节奏搞乱了;  谣言把人心搞乱了;  贪欲把人生搞乱了。
乡(镇)电管站兴办第三产业蔚然成风。可经济效益和社会效益到底如何呢?笔者带着这个问题采访了几个乡(镇)电管站。 The township (town) electricity management station has be