Culture Shock in Translation Process under the Cross-cultural Communication

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baiyunmtq
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  【Abstract】The paper focuses on culture shock in translation process. And it contains background of cross culture, culture shock, the shock in translation examples, and a conclusion.
  【Key words】culture shock; languages; translation
  1. Introduction
  Entering a foreign environment, persons’ emotion and cognition vary continuously. In the adaptation of new things, people will go through curiosity and happiness, then confusion and anxiety, finally acceptance. And in sojourning in a new environment, some persons adapt well in a short time, while some feel unaccommodated. This phenomenon is called “culture shock” (Oberg, 1960: 177-182).
  Due to the distinct culture and history background, there are many connotations and double meanings in respective expressions; culture shock also applies to translation in different language families. So a source language text can create a new environment for translators with the mother tongue, then the fresh conception and values brought by the source language cause culture shock to the translators. When the translators endeavor to interpret their mother language, they need to find out the adapting methods to solve the certain barriers in translation process.
  2. The Definition of Culture shock and its U curve
  The culture shock is ubiquitous to the transition period accompanied with worry and pressure in the early stage of adapting a new environment. And meanwhile the process of culture shock is inseparable from intercultural adaptation, which refers to the process of improve sojourners’ abilities of fitness, so that they can copy with the mismatches and incompatibility between the host culture and the culture of birth.
  “Culture shock” was first used by Kalvero Oberg in 1960 to express the phenomenon of people’s anxiety and pressure in a totally new cultural environment. He defined this term as “anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse” (1960: 177). A U-curve described the intercultural adaptation was used by Sverre Lysgaard, further studied by Oberg, Smalley and Morris with four stages.
  Initially, the sojourners observe the external objects from own cultural perspective with freshness, also think all nice in the new environment. Then crisis period means that calming from the overexcited phrase sojourners facing real challenges have to be accustomed to foreign habits and values. So this period can be regarded as the real culture shock stage with curiosity replaced by isolation and alienation. Next, the recovery period comes into being. Trying efforts to deal with a long period of depression and confusion, sojourners begin to learn how to treat the negative and the positive in a balanced manner. Lastly the bicultural period means sojourners have acquired abilities to acclimatize themselves to the point of view and nonverbal behaviors in the new culture. And the well-developed autonomy offers sojourners capacity for dual cultural identity (William, 2007: 173,174).   3. The Culture Shock in Translation Process
  The translators often suffer from the culture shock, for this group always exposes themselves to the foreign culture. So the culture shock is applicable to translators. According to the second period of U curve model, translators confuse about the translating obstacles in cultural untranslatability.
  3.1 Shock in English to Chinese Translation
  Deriving from Anglo-Saxon language, English mixes with Germanic and Latin language, absorbing various expressions forms, reflecting much cultural and historical background. Hence, these elements lead to barriers for translators.
  3.1.1 The Religion Area
  Religion has deeply rooted in westerners’ culture, influenced their behaviors, and guided the literature trend. Among Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairytales, the Little Match Girl should be Andersen’s most classic work. In the ending, the little girl died and went to heaven. In western cognitive, the death is positive matter, a turning point from the life of temporary, limited, fleshy, sinful and restrained state to the eternal happiness in heaven (Hegel, 1979: 281). So the girl’s death is regarded as releasing from the body. The story plot is easy to be translated into Chinese with the literal translating strategy, while the death awareness is unacceptable in China, where people consider death is a terrible and grievous matter so that can’t understand the death’s happiness in western. So in the Chinese translation version, this story has been comprehended as the evil capitalist society murdering the little girl, reflecting the superiority of socialist society. The misunderstanding is avoidable for the translators cannot make proper adjustment in source text influenced by western religious ideology.
  3.1.2 The History Area
  The historical events in culture have deeply taken roots in its languages, which cause tremendous barriers in translation practices. In English, “Waterloo” is from the battle in Waterloo; Napoleon with his French army fought the battle against England and Prussian but suffered the terrible defeat, ending his political carrier. For expressing the crushing defeat, the transliteration of “Waterloo” as “滑鐵卢” is understandable, because Waterloo are not located in China so its image bring a sense of foreign elements. In fact, the similar example in China was Guanyu, a general in Shu-Han dynasty, who failed battle in Maicheng city, so the Chinese idiom “败走麦城” is used to tell his experience. It can be seen that the two historical events have a resemblance and the two idioms have a similar meanings, therefore translators can use “败走麦城” to interpret
【摘要】随着社会的发展,英语的地位也得到了逐步的提高,对于学生的要求,已经不仅仅是能够考高分的哑巴英语,而是需要培养出不仅能够说出一口流利的英语的学生来,也需要能够培养出能够写出地道英文句子的学生,因为英语写作能力也是衡量学生的英语水平的重要标准之一。  【关键词】初中英语;写作;效率  【作者简介】刘丽群,江苏省句容市宝华中学。  学生的写作水平能够暴露出学生的英语水平,因为从学生的句子的书写中
一、引言  教育见习是一个师范生成长为一位合格教师的必经之路,也是开始检验每一位师范生教学技能的前奏;教育见习是师范生教学生涯的开始,是师范生展示成果的舞台。2018年12月21日,在熊捍东老师的带队下,我们全班踏进了安庆四中。本着学习精神,我观摩了四节课堂,他们分别是余阳老师的初一(3)英語课堂、汪骥老师的初二(13)英语课堂、曹琳珊老师的初二(12)英语课堂和丁家骏老师的初三(13)英语课堂。
【摘要】小学英语开放教学是以知识教学为载体,把关注人的发展作为首要目标,通过发挥学生的主体作用,自觉学习,同时依赖于英语教师开放式的英语学习,引导及组织建立开放式的英语学习环境,不断开发学生学习英语的潜力,激发他们学习英语的兴趣和成绩。  【关键词】小学英语; 开放教学;应用  【作者简介】于淑香,福建省三明市大田县城关第一小学。  开放教学是指以知识教学为载体,把关注人的发展作为首要目标,通过创
【摘要】我们现在生活的年代是被信息包围的时代。信息技术在这一时代快速兴盛。在教育体系随着信息技术的发展也发生改革的同时,对课堂体系教育也产生了积极的影响。 雄安雪的英语课本中的知识内容简单明了,而且知识内容丰富较生活化,学生能够把掌握大部分知识能直接运用到现实生活中,所以,英语老师应该抓住潮流脉搏,在对学生进行英语教学时能够学会使用信息技术,让学生能有更好的接受知识关的来源,提升学生的英语水平以及
【摘要】新课改的全面推进,使得高职英语教学活动发生了巨大改变。近年来,互联网技术及各种移动设备不断更新,出现了很多APP软件,这就为移动微型学习活动的开展提供了良好基础。在实际中,高职英语教师要立足于终身学习的视角,引导学生灵活的应用现代学习工具,开展移动学習活动,提高高职英语教学效果和学习效率。  【关键词】移动微型学习;高职英语;应用  【作者简介】朱丽艳(1975.09-),女,汉族,湖南双
【Abstract】In the nineteenth century, unprecedentedly Britain had finished the Industrial Revolution and achieved a rapid development in all walks of life, against the backdrop of which over 30 female
【摘要】在信息化和科技化時代之下,信息管理备受关注,要想实现信息资源的优化配置和利用,不断促进教育质量和教学水平的稳定提升,就必须要立足于目前信息管理的现实条件,以档案管理为主体,积极的抓住其中的工作重点和难点,本文以高中英语阅读教学为分析对象,了解档案管理中档案袋评价的相关工作要求,以期为英语阅读教学活动的正常开展提供一定的借鉴。  【关键词】档案袋评价;高中英语;阅读教学  【作者简介】寇洲,
【摘要】随着新课程改革的推行,各种新型教学方式逐渐被运用到课堂教学中,为课堂教学带来全新的活力。写作教学是高中英语教学的重要模块,将以读促写教学模式运用于写作教学中,能够起到比较好的教学效果,因此,本文首先分析了高中英语写作教学中存在的问题,然后探究以读促写在高中英语写作教学中的具体应用策略,以供参考。  【关键词】以读促写;高中英语;写作教学  【作者简介】王垒,扬州中学教育集团树人学校。  英
【摘要】面对新时代,社会对中职学生的英语水平提出了新的要求,教育改革的深化,要求中职英语教学模式需要相应进行改变。为了更好地服务于中职学生就业的需要,中职英语要围绕就业需求展开教学,促使学生的个性化发展。这就需要在中职英语教学过程中以职业能力为导向,不断优化中职英语教学方案,提高课堂英语教学质量,提升中职学生应用英语的能力。  【关键词】职业能力;中职;英语教学;教学途径  【作者简介】张惠珍,甘
【摘要】信息时代的到来,扩大以互联网技术为依托的信息技术的应用范围。在教育领域应用进行信息技术的应用与融合,能够促进教学模式的优化与升级,为教育改革创新提供更有力的支撑。本文在分析英语教学与信息技术融合含义的基础上,针对性地提出英语教学与信息技术深入融合的策略,以期为英语教学进步与发展提供一定的帮助。  【关键词】英语教学;信息技术;融合模式  【作者简介】刁品华(1978.05),女,江苏省宝应