Development and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibody Specifically Against TSP50

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shcxd
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Testis-specific protease 50(TSP50) has been identified as a testis-specific protein that is expressed abnormally in most human breast cancer samples,which makes it an attractive molecular marker and a potential target for diagnosis and therapy.In the present study,we prepared a panel of monoclonal antibodies(mAbs) with high specificity and sensitivity against TSP50 by hybridoma method and characterized them by ELISA,Western blot,immunofluroescence and immunohistochemical analyses.The results show that all of the 9 different clones can specifically bind to TSP50.The mAbs against TSP50 we generated could be good tools for both basic and clinical studies. Testis-specific protease 50 (TSP50) has been identified as a testis-specific protein that is expressed abnormally in most human breast cancer samples, which makes it an attractive molecular marker and a potential target for diagnosis and therapy. In the present study, we prepared a panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with high specificity and sensitivity against TSP50 by hybridoma method and characterized them by ELISA, Western blot, immunofluroescence and immunohistochemicals. The results show that all of the nine different clones can be specifically bind to TSP50. mAbs against TSP50 we generated could be good tools for both basic and clinical studies.
阮籍《晋书·阮籍传》中记载:“籍本有济世志,属魏晋之际,天下多故,名士少而全者,籍由是不与世事,遂酣饮为常。”在门阀士族的斗争中,阮籍以放浪形骸来保全自 Ruan Ji “Jin
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