面向新世纪 培育增长点 努力提高经济运行质量和效益

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今年是世纪之交的一年,是“九五”计划的最后一年,我们要认真贯彻党的十五大和省委七届三次全会精神,加快国有企业改革和发展,大力调整经济结构,加强技术创新,努力提高经济运行质量和效益,为下一世纪经济发展奠定良好基础。一、突出抓好国企改革和发展,通过从总体上搞活国有经济,形成新的经济增长点根据我省国企改革和发展三步走战略,结合我市实际。我市国企改革和发展三步走的目标是:第一步,到2000年末,60%以上的国有骨干工业企业真正实现脱困,70%以上的国有 This year is the year of the turn of the century and is the last year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. We must conscientiously implement the spirit of the Party’s 15th National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 7th Party Committee, accelerate the reform and development of state-owned enterprises, and vigorously adjust the economy. Structure, strengthen technological innovation, strive to improve the quality and efficiency of economic operations, and lay a good foundation for economic development in the next century. First, we must pay attention to the reform and development of state-owned enterprises. We must invigorate the state-owned economy as a whole, and form a new economic growth point. According to the three-step strategy of reform and development of the state-owned enterprises in our province, we must combine the actual conditions in our city. The goal of the three-step reform and development of the state-owned enterprises in our city is as follows: First, by the end of 2000, over 60% of the state-owned backbone industrial enterprises had really realized their difficulties, and over 70% of them were state-owned
近来有些研究证明,持续不断的复发性口疮性口炎属于自身免疫疾病。血浆置换法是治疗自身免疫疾病的有效方法之一。 观察持续不断复发的口疮性口炎53例,男21例,女32例,年龄18
1 病历摘要息者,女,4岁。因左面颊部肿块伴疼痛2月入院。肿块生长迅速,伴牙龈肿痛及溃烂,有时流血,张口活动正常。检查:左下颌角上触及3.5×3×2cm大小的肿块,质硬,固定,压
谈到审美教育,人们立刻会想到文学、艺术、音乐方面的教育,殊不知数学教学中教师的教和学生的学都是一种充满创造性的脑力劳动,而这种劳动本身就具有很高的审美价值。 When