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分子筛由于具有规则的孔道结构和优异的催化、吸附性能而得到广泛的应用。对于传统的硅铝分子筛而言,其骨架主要由四面体单元构成,单纯的四面体配位特性大大限制了其骨架结构的多样化。超四面体(类)分子筛是一类新型的孔道材料,骨架元素的多元化(特别是过渡金属的引入)使得其构筑了丰富的结构类型(如手性骨架、超大孔)。作为超四面体分子筛的典型代表,八面体分子筛提供了使以六配位方式存在的金属进入微孔材料骨架的途径,这使得八面体分子筛具有优异的催化、离子交换和磁学特性,从而引起了人们的极大关注。本文主要从结构角度出发,对近年来合成的超四面体(类)分子筛进行了总结和讨论,并展望了此类材料今后发展的方向和应用前景。 Molecular sieve is widely used because of its regular pore structure and excellent catalytic and adsorption properties. For the traditional silica-alumina molecular sieve, its skeleton is mainly composed of tetrahedral units, simple tetrahedral coordination properties greatly limit the diversity of its skeleton structure. Ultrafine tetrahedron (molecular sieve) is a new type of channel material. The diversification of framework elements (especially the introduction of transition metal) makes it possible to construct abundant structural types (such as chiral skeletons and large pores). As a typical representative of the super-tetrahedral molecular sieve, octahedral molecular sieves provide a way to allow the hexacoordination of metals into the framework of the microporous material, which leads to octahedral molecular sieves with excellent catalytic, ion exchange and magnetic properties resulting in People’s great attention. In this paper, we mainly summarize and discuss the synthesis of super-tetrahedron zeolites in recent years from the structural point of view, and look forward to the future development direction and application prospects of such materials.
病人男 60岁于1991年5月24日因肺结核(痰菌阳性)住院,血、尿常规及肝功正常,ESR27mm/1h。于28日以含HZPL方案治疗(L为利福喷丁,0.61/周,PAS10g,1/日静脉点滴;H0.5 2/周)。10
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