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一中国著名的长篇小说《红楼梦》(前八十回)的伟大作家曹雪芹,已经逝世二百二十年(一说为一七六三,一说为一七六四年)了。一九八三年十一月二十三日到二十八日,中国红楼梦学会与江苏省红楼梦学会,在作者假名以为写作背景的南京(即小说中的金陵)联合召开了纪念会和学术讨论会。曹雪芹,名霑,号雪芹。根据已经发现的材料,他大致是生活在十八世纪的二十年代到六十年代,即清康熙(一六六二——一七二二年)的末年到乾隆(一七三六——一七九五年)中叶。曹雪芹的先世本是汉人,但在很久以前,就入了满洲旗籍,成了皇家的“包衣”(满语中奴仆的称号);随清王朝入关後,逐渐晋升为皇帝亲信的官吏。从他的曾祖曹玺开始,以他的祖父曹寅为中心,直到他的父叔辈曹颙、曹頫,连任织造六十馀年,曹寅还兼任过两淮巡盐御史,官至三品。织造虽然是皇家内务府的官吏,职位不算高,但它远在江南又专做供应皇家的 Cao Xueqin, a great writer of the famous Chinese novel “Dream of the Red Chamber” (the first eighty backs), has already passed away for two hundred and twenty years (one is 7633 and one is called 1764). From November 23 to August 28, 1983, China Society of Dream of Red Mansions and Jiangsu Hongloumeng Society held a memorial service and academic discussion jointly with Nanjing (ie, Jinling in the novel) whose background was written by a pseudonym meeting. Cao Xueqin, name James, No. Xue Qin. According to the materials that have been found, he lived roughly from the 1920s to the 1960s in the 18th century to the end of the Qing Emperor Kangxi (1662-72) to Qianlong (1736- Mid-1755). Cao Xueqin’s ancestor was Han Chinese, but a long time ago he entered the banner of Manchuria and became the “coating” of the royal family (the title of servant in Manchu language). After the Qing dynasty entered the customs, he was promoted to be the official of the Emperor . From his great ancestor Cao Xi, with his grandfather Cao Yin as the center, until his father and grandfather Cao Cao, Cao Tuo, re-elected weaving more than 60 years, Cao Yin also served as the two Huaiyan Yushi, official to Mishina. Although weaving is a royal house government officials, the position is not high, but it is far from the southern and specialized in the supply of royal
1)2日游:D1乘船游览漓江风光,夜赏梦幻漓江。D2市内游叠彩山、伏波山、象鼻山、卢笛岩、七星岩。 2)3日游:D1乘船游览漓江至冠岩,宿云雾山庄,品篝火晚宴。D2游阳朔大榕数、
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德国是欧洲第一个向中国开放旅游目的地的国家。日前,本刊记者随中国记者采访团对德国魅力城市汉诺威、法兰克福和斯图加特进行采风。 世界博览会之城--汉诺威 汉诺威被称为
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