二十年的桥梁 二十年的纽带——纪念中国水上消防协会成立20周年

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二十年的风雨兼程,二十年的激流勇进,二十年的服务奉献,二十年的春华秋实,中国水上消防协会走过了二十年的发展历程。自成立至今,中国水上消防协会始终以“保障服务”为宗旨,以“桥梁纽带”为定位,以“改革发展”为动力,迈出了坚定不移的步子,走出了创新发展的新路:整体健康运行机制基本构建,活力稳步增强,服务体系初步形成,服务水平不断提高,功能作用日益显现,为保障水上运输作业的消防安全作出了积极的贡献。在中国水上消防协会成立二十周年之际,我们以回顾、访谈、体会等形式,编发了一组文章,一是为了总结过去,为了坚定信心;二是为了开创未来,为了更好地把握机遇,发挥更大的作用。我们又站在了新的起跑线上,我们又在向新的高度冲刺了,我们走在和谐发展的路上…… Twenty years of trials and tribulations, twenty years of raging courage, twenty years of service dedication, twenty years of Chunhua Qiu Shi, China Water Fire Association has gone through two decades of development. Since its inception, China Water Fire Protection Association has always been to “safeguard services” for the purpose of “bridge ties” as a positioning, “reform and development” as a driving force, has taken a firm step, out of a new road to innovation and development: The overall health operation mechanism has been basically constructed, its vitality has been steadily enhanced, the service system has been initially established, service standards have been continuously improved, and its functional role has become increasingly apparent. This has made a positive contribution to the protection of fire safety in water transport operations. On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of China Water Fire Association, we compiled a series of articles in the form of review, interview and experience. First, to summarize the past, in order to strengthen confidence, secondly, to create a better future for the future, , Play a greater role. We are again standing on a new starting line, and we are again sprinting to a new height. We are on the road to harmonious development ...
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