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3月1日,为了贯彻落实国务院关于加快路网国债项目建设步伐和甘肃省委省政府提出的扩大投资规模、加快公路建设的一系列批示精神,进一步加快工程进度,提高工程质量,甘肃省计委和省交通厅联合召开了全省加快路网国债项目工程进度会议。 1998年以来,为了扩大内需,拉动经济增长,支持经济欠发达地区加快基础设施建设步伐,国家采取发行长期国债的办法,安排5100亿元用于交通等基础设施项目建设。4年中,共累计安排甘肃小公路建设国债项目53个,其中公路基本建设项目12个,公路路网建设项目41个,国债投资规模达到32.3亿元。本次会议安排部署的41个路网国债项目,包括1998年至2000年安排的国扶贫困县连接国道项目23个和2001年安 On March 1, in order to implement the series of instructions provided by the State Council on accelerating the pace of construction of treasury bonds on the road network and the scale of investment proposed by the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and speeding up the construction of the highway, further accelerate the progress of the project and improve the quality of the project, Gansu Provincial Government Commission and Provincial Department of Transportation jointly held a meeting of the province to speed up the construction of road network bonds project. Since 1998, in order to expand domestic demand, stimulate economic growth and support the pace of infrastructure construction in economically underdeveloped regions, the state has adopted a method of issuing long-term government bonds and has allocated 5,100 billion yuan to infrastructure projects such as transport and other infrastructure projects. In the past four years, a total of 53 treasury bonds have been arranged for the construction of small roads in Gansu, including 12 road infrastructure projects and 41 road network construction projects with a total investment of 3.23 billion yuan. The 41 road network treasury bonds arranged and arranged by this meeting include 23 projects connecting the national road project of poverty alleviation counties in 1998 and 2000 and 2001 security
四年一个轮回,转眼间,又到了中国女足冲击 世界杯的时刻,别忘了“铿锵玫瑰”距离上一届世 界杯的冠军只有一个点球的距离。四年之后的今 天,教鞭由老马转到了小马手里,而在
1 巴乔第1次取胜奥林匹克 意甲联赛第16轮布雷西亚客场1:0小胜拉齐奥,这场胜利无论对布雷西亚还是巴乔本人都是十分有意义的,巴乔是16年来第一次在奥林匹克取得胜利,布雷西
一、沿海经济地理的特点 浙江省地处我国东海之滨,海岸线长达2253.7km,有大小岛屿2161个。海岸带分布在30个省市境内,其中有山丘、平原、海涂、岛屿,大多数山岭的海拔高均在