Dynamic finite element model updating of prestressed concrete continuous box-girder bridge

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jaiky
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The dynamic finite element model(FEM) of a prestressed concrete continuous box-girder bridge,called the Tongyang Canal Bridge,is built and updated based on the results of ambient vibration testing(AVT)using a real-coded accelerating genetic algorithm(RAGA).The objective functions are defined based on natural frequency and modal assurance criterion(MAC) metrics to evaluate the updated FEM.Two objective functions are defined to fully account for the relative errors and standard deviations of the natural frequencies and MAC between the AVT results and the updated FEM predictions. The dynamically updated FEM ofthe bridge can better represent its structural dynamics and serve as a baseline in long-term health monitoring,condition assessment and damage identification over the service life of the bridge. The dynamic finite element model (FEM) of a prestressed concrete continuous box-girder bridge, called the Tongyang Canal Bridge, is built and updated based on the results of ambient vibration testing (AVT) using a real-coded accelerating genetic algorithm (RAGA) The objective functions are defined based on natural frequency and modal assurance criterion (MAC) metrics to evaluate the updated FEM. Two objective functions are defined to fully account for the relative errors and standard deviations of the natural frequencies and MAC between the AVT results and the updated FEM predictions. The dynamically updated FEM of the bridge can better represent its structural dynamics and serve as a baseline in long-term health monitoring, condition assessment and damage identification over the service life of the bridge.
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