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全国省级晚报广告协作网第三届年会今天结束,有70件广告作品获奖。参加本届年会的全国省级晚报领导和广告部门负责人,就网点单位继续解放思想,开拓视野,更好地服务社会、服务经济建设,以及在激烈的市场竞 The third annual meeting of the Provincial Evening News Advertising Collaboration Network ended today with 70 award-winning advertising works. The leader of the provincial provincial Evening News and the head of the advertising department at the annual conference will continue to emancipate their minds, expand their horizons, better serve the society, serve the economic construction, and compete in the fierce market.
How gloomy economic news may be affecting us physically--and what you can doto make your health morerecession-re-sistant.令人沮丧的经济消息会影响我们的健康--你
Visitors,especially young ones,often waited for General Douglas MacArthur1 to perform a miracle2,or at least utter something profound3 when they met him.So,MacA
China Top 500 Textile & Apparel Companies with Competitiveness Program was launched in 15th July this year. The list confirmed that printing and dyeing companie
“go-go years”(冲、冲、冲的年景)已经过去,取而代之的是“go-slow years”(慢、慢、慢的年份)。《经济学家》信息部首席经济学家Robin Bew为您带来《经济学家》2009年经济
Cheung Pak-Kan:an ardent amateur photographer of Hong Kong,through his photographic talent and unusual darkroom skill he excelled in international pictorial com