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目前,国产数控线切割机多数使用钢导轮,钢导轮磨损速度相当快,直接影响了加工零件的精度。近年来陶瓷导轮、蓝宝石导轮的问世使导轮使用寿命有了较大的提高。上海沪东造船厂通过导轮结构上的改进来进一步提高其使用寿命。该厂在北京第四机床厂生产的DK6740型数控线切割上进行了试验,把原来的单“V”形槽改进成双“V”形槽。导轮的“V”形槽用螺纹磨床加工。为了在原来2mm宽的导轮外圆上加工两条“V“形槽,把60°角的“V”形槽改成40°角的,两条槽间距离为0.7mm。上下两只导轮必须一 At present, the majority of domestic CNC wire cutting machine using steel guide wheel, steel guide wheel wear quite fast, a direct impact on the accuracy of processing parts. In recent years the introduction of ceramic guide wheel, sapphire guide wheel so that the service life of the guide wheel has been greatly improved. Shanghai Hudong Shipyard through the guide wheel structure to further improve its service life. The factory in Beijing Fourth Machine Tool Plant production DK6740 CNC cutting on the trial, the original single ”V“ shaped groove improved into double ”V“ shaped groove. Guide wheel ”V“ groove machined with a thread grinder. In order to process two ”V“ shaped grooves on the outer circumference of the guide wheel 2mm wide, the ”V" shaped groove of 60 ° angle is changed into a 40 ° angle, the distance between the two grooves is 0.7mm. Up and down two guide wheel must be one
2011年1月5日是生肖兔年邮票首发日,作为农民画的故乡——陕西户县,其农民画已经闻名遐迩。农民画作者用手绘封的形式庆贺生肖兔子邮票的发行,是再贴切不过 January 5, 2011
介绍了微电极的特性、制作以及在电结晶、镀液整平性、电镀体系的电极过程等研究中的应用。 The characteristics of microelectrode, fabrication and applications in the
本文以电机线圈架零件的卷圆为例,总结此类模具的设计方法。 In this paper, the winding of the motor coil parts as an example to sum up the design of such molds.
侵入人体的细菌、病霉或异物,及人体产生的衰老、损伤细胞和坏死组织等,均需经吞噬细胞吞噬、消化,予以清除。所以,吞噬细胞又被誉为“人体健康的卫士”。 Invade the body
任何疾病都不仅仅是个体的身体疾患,在不同程度上都影响到患者的心理和社会功能,这是生物-心理-社会医学模式对疾病更为全面的看法。从2003年春节前后 SARS 在广东出现至今,
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