以文聚力 促税收事业新发展

来源 :中国税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:my_wenzi
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浙江省绍兴县地方税务局以“提高文化品位、彰显精神风采、倡导人文关怀、推动事业发展”为目标,以人为本、以文化人、以文聚力,注重用优秀的税务文化来浸润和影响干部的思想、精神和行为规范,有力地促进地税事业科学发展。用共同的理念统领人。新形势下,税务工作面临许多新的挑战:税务机关肩负的任务日趋繁重,对税务人员的要求也越来越高。面对这些挑战,需要有一个共同的愿景, Shaoxing County Local Taxation Bureau of Zhejiang Province, with the goal of “improving cultural taste, demonstrating spiritual style, advocating humane care and promoting career development”, people-oriented, cultural people, cohesion and pay attention to using excellent tax culture to infiltrate and Affecting the cadres’ thinking, spirit and code of conduct, effectively promoting the scientific development of local government taxation. Common people with the idea. Under the new situation, the taxation work faces many new challenges: the tax authorities are assuming more and more arduous tasks and require more and more tax personnel. Faced with these challenges, there needs to be a common vision,
文章阐述了在网络环境下期刊资源的特点、制约期刊开发的若干因素及应采取的对策。 The article expounds the characteristics of periodical resources under the network
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Vehicular ad hoc networks(VANets) experiment system is studied.Configuration,characteristics and research fields of VANets are introduced briefly.According to t