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燕洞奇观从具有“国家历史文化名城、国家重点风景名胜区”双重美誉的云南省建水县城东出28公里,有一个群山环抱、雄险奇秀的巨大峡谷,著名的燕子洞就坐落在这里。“古洞抱奇观不仅春风燕子,何人开胜境遗此流水悬崖”是对燕子洞风光的高度概括。该洞以古洞奇观、春燕云集、钟乳悬匾、采燕窝绝技等独特景观著称于世。洞外古树名木生于悬崖峭壁之间,30000多平方米的自然林地,树木苍劲,枝繁叶茂,有数十种鸟类栖息,最大鸟群要数洞内外岩壁上巢居着数十万只的大白腰雨燕。每年春夏期间,群燕飞来,如万箭齐发,燕子出没其间,呢喃之声不绝于耳,燕声和着水声在洞内共鸣, Wonders of the Yungong Cave From the east of Jianshui County, Yunnan Province, 28 kilometers east of Yunnan Province with the reputation of “a national historical and cultural city and a national key scenic area,” there is a huge canyon surrounded by mountains and beautiful valleys and a famous swallow hole Located here. “Kwu Tung embraces wonders not only the spring swallows, who Kaishui this water cliff” is a highly summarized scenery of the swallow hole. The cave is famous for its unique landscape of Kwu Tung wonders, spring swallows, stalactites, and bird’s nest studios. Trees outside the cave old trees were born between cliffs, more than 30000 square meters of natural woodland, vigorous trees, flourishing, dozens of species of birds habitat, Hundreds of thousands of big white swifts. During the spring and summer each year, swarm flying, such as Wanjian Qi, swallows during the whisper of endless whispering, Yan and sound of water in the cave resonance,
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