
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq02040610
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在音乐、舞蹈中对节奏问题谈论的比较多。如在评论音乐、舞蹈的演出时,常听到有人说:“这里的节奏太快,”“那里的节奏太慢!”或“整个演出的节奏太拖!”……等等。在根雕艺术创作中或评论根雕作品时,却很少有人谈到节奏问题,实际上根雕作者在创作实践中自觉或不自觉地地运用节奏来表达作品的思想情感。既然如此,那为什么又很少谈论节奏呢?说明节奏问题还没有引起根艺界朋友们的重视,还没有认识到节奏在根雕创作中是一种不可缺少的重要因 In music, dance about the rhythm issue more. Such as in the comments of music, dance performances, often heard someone say: “The rhythm is too fast here, ” “where the rhythm is too slow! ” Or “The rhythm of the show too drag! ” ...... and many more. In the art of root carving or commenting on the root carving works, very few people talk about the rhythm problem. In fact, the root carving author consciously or unconsciously uses the rhythm to express his thoughts and emotions in his works. That being the case, why is it seldom talking about the rhythm? It shows that the rhythm problem has not given rise to the attention of the GGF friends, and has not yet realized that the rhythm is an indispensable important factor in the creation of the root carving