
来源 :价格与市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roseisdead
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一、我国价格宏观调控体系建设面临的问题和矛盾(一)价格体系尚未理顺,价格宏观调控难度加大经过20多年的价格改革,我国初步健全了基本适应市场经济要求的价格管理体制与价格形成机制,价格结构和比价关系逐步趋于合理。但当前价格改革还面临着新的矛盾和问题,特别是价格体系还没有完全理顺,体现在:我国尚未健全各种农产品新的合理比价,个别优质农产品价格仍然偏低,尚未健全农产品价格安全带制度;能源作价原则不尽合理,一些能源产品的价格不能适应 I. Problems and Contradictions in the Construction of China’s Price Macro-control System 1. The price system has not yet been straightened out and the macro-control of prices is more difficult. After more than 20 years of price reform, China has basically perfected the price management system and price that basically meets the requirements of the market economy Forming mechanism, the price structure and parity gradually become more reasonable. However, the current price reform is still facing new contradictions and problems. In particular, the price system has not been completely rationalized. The price system has not been completely rationalized yet. China has not yet completed a new reasonable price comparison for various agricultural products. The price of some high-quality agricultural products is still low and the price security of agricultural products has not been improved With the system; energy pricing principle is not reasonable, some energy products can not adapt to the price
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摘 要 教师要注意培养学生在低年级段养成良好的作文习惯,对作文产生兴趣,发展学生的语言,把各项语文基本技能的训练同作文能力的培养有机地结合起来,为中高年级作文打好基础。  关键词 作文 训练 语言    小学阶段的作文教学就是作文的最初教育。在这一阶段,教师要注意教学方法,一个成功的教学方式不但能吸引学生学习,更能给学生带来很高的学习兴趣。小学一、二年级只重视拼音、识字教学,忽略了低年级的作文训练
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摘 要 在数学教学中,要积极引导学生自主探究,让学生体验再创造的乐趣;要积极引导学生实践操作,让学生可以“做数学”;要积极引导学生合作交流,让学生能够“说数学”;要积极引导学生联系生活,让学生学会“用数学”。  关键词 数学教学 体验 自主探究 实践操作 合作交流 联系生活    所谓体验,就是个体主动亲历或虚拟地亲历某件事并获得相应的认知和情感的直接经验的活动。让学生亲历经验,不但有助于通过多种